Saturday, January 10, 2015

"Water, Water, Water!"

January 9, 2015

Water:  1. a transparent, odorless, tasteless liquid, a compound of hydrogen and oxygen, H2O.

Hydrate:  1. any of a class of compounds containing chemically combined water.  2. to combine chemically with water.

Thirst:  1. a sensation of dryness in the mouth and throat caused by need of liquid.  2. a need for liquid or moisture.  3.  being thirsty, having a strong desire.

Dehydrate:  1. to cause abnormal loss of water from the body or a tissue.  2. to deprive a chemical compound of water or the elements of water.  3. to lose body fluids or water.

     Hello........, I'm talking about water today or the lack there of due to the fact that I found myself dehydrated with dry mouth, headaches, the side of my eyes were twitching and I couldn't figure out what was wrong with me for the last week or so.  I know that drinking water is important, one of the first things people will say when embarking upon any type of weight loss regimen, or lifestyle change concerning the nutrients you're putting into your body is to make sure you're drinking at least 8 eight glasses of water per day.  What I didn't factor in is how the day can get away from me without drinking plain H2O.

I'm thinking that I'm getting plenty of liquids by juicing and drinking fruit water but that doesn't count toward plain ol' h20.

The benefits of drinking water far out weigh the alternative. My liver and kidneys will shut down if I don't give my body the water that is needed on a daily basis.  My hair could fall out, fingernails can become dry, cracked and brittle, not to mention dry skin, rough heels on the backs of my feet, lips would begin to peel, etc.

The proper amount of water for the body is a vital nutrient that must be taken seriously so that the skin will be supple, and smooth with the softest,, juiciest lips this side of the Mississippi!!

I found myself thirsty, thirsty, thirsty, thank God I didn't end up in the emergency room with an IV hooked up to me force feeding me liquids.  I was lucky to catch it in time in order to turn this ship around by making sure I continue to find balance in all areas of my life on my journey to wellness.


"It is better to aim at perfection and miss it than it is to aim at imperfection and hit it."
~Thomas J. Watson, Jr.

"Always make the other person feel important."
~Dale Carnegie

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