Wednesday, January 7, 2015

"Awaken The Giant Within!"

January 7, 2015

Awaken:  1. to awake; waken.

Awake:  1. to rouse from sleep.  2. to make active or alert; rouse.  3. to become conscious of something.  4. vigilant; alert, not sleeping.

Giant:  1. a being with human form but superhuman size and strength.  2. a person or thing of unusually great size or power.  3. a person or thing of extraordinary importance, achievement, etc:

     I LOVE Anthony Robbins, I read all of his books and I have him on my vision board as someone I want to meet and hang out with for a day or two.  His story is incredible, how he started with little or nothing to becoming a mega motivational speaker.  I aspire to speak to sold out audiences as a beacon of light carrying the torch that's being passed on to me through and from Anthony Robbins that brightens up dark places by offering encouragement, hope and healing........

     In Anthony's book "Awaken The Giant Within" Mr. Robbins tells me how to take immediate control of my mental, emotional, physical and financial destiny.  In a nutshell Tony Robbins lays out a master plan to unleash the giant within me by mastering a few steps:

1.  Raise My Standards

2.  Change My Limiting Beliefs

3.  Change My Strategy

As a lifestyle coach Tony Robbins coaches the mastery of five areas in life that has the most impact.

1.  Emotional Mastery

2. Physical Mastery

3. Relationship Mastery

4. Financial Mastery

5.  Time Mastery

I take the time to share the books I read and the lessons that I've learned on my Path to Prosperity because they're important and within the pages of the books, videos, documentaries, etc, is the key to the vault that holds the answers, tools and wisdom to unlocking the mysteries of a prosperous life by providing the skills and strategies necessary for change and growth!!

 "Deep within man dwell those slumbering powers; powers that would astonish him, that he never dreamed of possessing; forces that would revolutionize his life if aroused and put into action."

~Orison Swett Marden


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