Tuesday, January 27, 2015


January 26, 2015

Consecrate:  1.  to make or declare sacred; dedicate to the service of deity.  2. to make an object of honor or veneration; hallow.  3. to devote or dedicate to some purpose.  4. to change.

Unadulterated: 1. not diluted or made impure.  2. absolute; pure.

     Usually when I hear the word consecrate it's related to religion when we give up something and fully dedicate ourselves as an act of devotion to God.

I've been thinking about how I'm going through transformation with my health and body and how this is an act of consecration.

I believe by being obedient to transforming my health and body that this is a spiritual experience and a true call to divine purpose and God's true will for my life and by doing so it's holiness in it's purest form.  This is going behind the veil and answering to the call and purpose for my life.

Stay focused, find purpose, give your best self to yourselves and that will allow us to give our best for someone else.......

Mother Teresa says that "God doesn't command that we do great things, only little things with great love."

We are the divinity of God created in his image and likeness, holy, unadulterated divine human beings.

"There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle."
~Albert Einstein

"No man who is occupied in doing a very difficult thing and doing it very well, ever loses his self respect."
~George Bernard Shaw

"As soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live."
~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

With Holy Reverence,

Love Always,

La La Lolita

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