Thursday, January 15, 2015

"Law of Attraction....."

January 14, 2015

Law:  1.  the principles and regulations established by a government or other authority and applicable to a people, whether by legislation or by custom enforced by judicial decision.  2. a rule or injunction that must be obeyed.  3. a rule or principle of proper conduct sanctioned by conscience, concepts of natural justice, or the will of a deity:  4. a rule or manner of behavior that is instinctive or spontaneous;  5. a statement of a relation or sequence of phenomena invariable under the same conditions.  6. a principle based on the predictable consequences of an act, condition, etc; a divinely appointed order or system.  7. the part of the Bible, esp. of the New Testament, that expresses precepts, in contradistinction to its promises.

Law-abiding:  1. abiding by or keeping the law; obedient to law.

Attraction:  1. the act, power, or property of attracting.  2. attractive quality; magnetic charm, allurement.  3. a person or thing that draws, attracts or entices.  4. the electric or magnetic force that acts between oppositely charged bodies, tending to draw them together.

Attract:  1. to draw by a physical force causing or tending to cause to approach, adhere, or unite; pull.  2. to draw by appealing to the emotions or senses, by stimulating interest, or by exciting admiration; allure; invite.  3. to possess or exert the power of attraction.

     Okay, I have to write about the "Law of Attraction" today because it's REAL, I BELIEVE IT and it has been working in my life!!  I have to share what happened to me yesterday because it's just amazing.

First, I must say that when I first decided to blog about 3 years ago I said that I was going to keep it REAL, and have full disclosure, and in doing so, sometimes it hurts.

For example, what I'm about to share:

As you know, I was diagnosed with cancer for the first time in 2007, so for the last 8 years I've been dealing with sickness, surgeries up the wazoo and bills, bills and more bills. Well, because of that right now we are in a volcano, not standing on the side looking in, I mean we are in the damn thing with our nostrils barely able to get oxygen.  That being said, I have vowed to stay positive, keep a smile on my face and keep pushing full steam ahead.  I've decided that I would apply the principles of the "Law of Attraction" in the middle of the volcano.  You know how you go to the doctor and they always ask you to rate your pain on a scale of 1-10, well our financial situation is 100!!  So, I figured what better person to put all of this "Law of Attraction" and "SECRET"stuff to the test than somebody like myself that is one of the worst situations EVAHHHH!!!  I want to see if it really works if you apply the principles.........  I need it to work!

Here's what I'm learning, that when things are at their worst, in order for them to get better you can't give the bad stuff your focus, energy or passion.  You can't sit around talking about it (your situation) or them (if it's a bad relationship - people) you have to put all of your passion, focus and energy on what you do want.  That is the "Law of Attraction 101".

So, every single Monday for the last 4 months I've made 2 phone calls to get some work and every single Monday I've heard from 2 different people, "I'm sorry Lolita we don't have anything for you right now but we will put you on the availability list, thank you for calling."  Yesterday was extremely tough for me because bank accounts are overdrawn, and like I said we are in the volcano drowning, right?  That's what it looks like, and that's what it feels like, that's REALITY, right? Yes.

So, the first person I called for some particular reason said something I've never heard before, I found it to be a little odd, very peculiar.  I was told to "get my swagger" and to call someone else maybe they can help me.  Now I'm already starting to feel some kind of way due to my situation.  I'm already holding on by my finger nails.  In my head I can see the card board and sharpie in my hand because my next move is to go out on the side of the road and put up my sign that says I don't need a hand out but a hand up, "Will Work For Food and A Roof  Over My Head!!!"  I had it all planned out in my head what services I would offer that I know for a fact that I'm good at.  I was on my way to the Seahawks training camp with my sign to let them know that I can house sit, OI can cook my A** Off, and give a mean foot massage (ask my husband).  I even had a dream last week that I was giving out hand massages and I thought that was a sign from God to give out the best hand massages on the Planet because I do have "Healing Hands!!"  I was ready because I need a RIGHT NOW CASH INFUSION, RIGHT???

As I choked back the tears from this obvious rejection from the other end of the phone (and by the way I had the person on speaker) I could see a look on my husbands face that I haven't seen before, when he over heard the phone conversation, a look of pain and sorrow for his wife, a look of disbelief because he didn't know that EVERY MONDAY for the last 4 months that his wife would make these phone calls with this smile on her face and get rejected week after week while also dealing with my health situation.  Now rejection is my achilles heel, I DON'T DO REJECTION.  I make the second call, same thing, "I'm sorry Miss Jackson, I am fo real!!"  we have nothing for you.  I hang up the phone and the tears are now flowing like a river, Lord, now what?  Lord, Lord, Lord........

Like I said, I'm starting to FEEL some kind of way, and as a student of the "Law of Attraction" I can't allow myself to FEEL what I was feeling.  I want and need to attract the opposite.  I want and need to attract money, health, healing, abundance, over flow, etc; but I'm bottomed out.  I'm hyper ventilating, the whole time thinking I can't allow this, I can't go there, Lolita stop, baby girl FOCUS, BREATHE, what are you believing for?  What is it that you want?  What is it that you  need?  What have you already put out in the Universe that you're believing God for?  Where is your FAITH?  How do I tap into that right now?  The walls are caving in!!!  I go to find my dvd about the "SECRET", I need to "Change The Channel" in my mind.  Immediately, they start talking about the "Laws of Attraction" and how our feelings are energy, and how energy is a magnetic force that will draw unto us what we FEEL and are the most passionate about.  I said okay, okay, okay Lolita stay in your zone, no matter what it looks like, no matter what the bank statement says, no matter what you just heard on the phone, stay focused on where you want to go, and where you want to be.  KEEP PUSHING FULL SPEED AHEAD IN YOUR MIND, IN YOUR FEELINGS AND KEEP PUTTING ONE FOOT IN FRONT OF THE OTHER NO MATTER WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE AND NO MATTER WHAT IT FEELS LIKE!!!  

Literally, less than 10 minutes later the phone rang and it was the second person that I called and they offered me a JOB!!!

It's less than 6 miles from my house, casual environment, and they asked me when did I want to start?  I said "tomorrow" and I showed up to work today, looking good, feeling good and smelling good!!!

The place is WONDERFUL!!  No stress, laid back, I know that I didn't get money in my hand yesterday as I wanted, what I got was more, so much more.  I got a "RIGHT NOW FAITH INFUSION!!!!!"



"Creation is always happening.  Every time an individual has a thought, or a prolonged chronic way of thinking, they're in the creation process.  Something is going to manifest out of those thoughts."
~Michael Bernard Beckwith

"Thoughts are sending out that magnetic signal that is drawing the parallel back to you."
Dr. Joe Vitale

"The vibrations of mental forces are the finest and consequently the most powerful in existence."
~Charles Hammel

Q * Where do you find a one legged dog?
A * Wherever you left it!

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