Thursday, January 1, 2015

"New Year's Evolution!!"

January 1, 2015

Evolution:  1.  any process of formation or growth; development:  2.  a product of development, something evolved.  3.  a. change in the gene pool of a population from generation to generation by such processes as mutation and natural selection.  b.  the development of a species or other group of organisms; phylogeny.  c. the theory that all existing organisms developed from earlier forms by natural selection.  4.  a process of gradual, peaceful, progressive change and development, as in a social or economic structure.

Evolve:  1. to develop gradually; to come forth gradually into being; develop; to undergo or develop by a process of evolution.

     Happy New Year!  I wanted to start 2015 a little differently than I have over the last few years by not having a New Year's Resolution, but instead I'm starting a new thing by beginning the new year with a New Year's Evolution.  I know that in order for me to grow and develop it's going to take some time and it's a gradual process of evolving into the person I want to become with my health, wealth and spirit.  Usually I would wait until January 1, to start my resolution.  I did things a little differently in 2014 leading into 2015.  I started on November 3, eating right laying off of unhealthy foods and I must say I'm happy with my results.  I didn't gain a pound over the holidays in fact I lost two pounds with my new found method of evolving.  I'm excited about the new year and look forward to a prosperous, continual growth spurt!!

Unlock Tomorrow, Today!!

~by Lolita Jackson

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