Thursday, January 19, 2012


January 18, 2012.......Well, Well, Well, I did it yall!!!  I Raised Up & started walking again today!!  Heyyy!!!
(So How U Doin?)  (Shout out to my girl Wendy....)  It was nice.  I went for a walk today in the snow around the golf course on the trail.  I enjoyed good company with a friend of mine as we walked and talked, shared a few things with one another, It felt good.  However; I took off out of here without stretching again and while I was walking in the snow my legs were carrying some extra weight, my muscles were straining because they weren't used to moving in the manner required to maneuver through that deep snow today.  I had to stop a couple of times to stretch my quads.  It was a bit of a nuisance to say the least.  But, I made it through.  I even shoveled some snow today for about 45 minutes, quite a work out.  I didn't do the eating plan that I thought I would start today, but I did eat moderately and nutritionally.  I'm pleased.  Today I walked for about 45 minutes......

So, because I am feeling so good, I will share another song fit for the occasion......Yep, you guessed it, Ledisi....."Bravo!!"

"I gotta new walk and a new point of view, a new purpose for everything I do.  I gotta new rule on me, real folks around me.  If you're wondering, I'm about to tell you now, see it's the same pretty face but a brand new smile, same Lolita but she ain't walking she's flying!!!  New game making big moves, if love found me it could surely find you.  Say ayyyye, I don't even have one sad tear left in me.  Ayyyy......All I really want is to see the whole world stand up tonight, yeahh, we're celebrating life!!  It don't matter who you are, yeah if you've been workin hard, give yourself a round of applause!!!  Bravo-o-o yeah!! Bravo-o-o yeah!!  There ain't a wrong time or a wrong place to flaunt.  Say what they want, just let them try.  I don't listen to them.  Let me tell you why?  Lolita is the same pretty face, but a brand new smile....she is not walking she is flying!!  New game making big moves.  If love found me it'll surely find you.  Ladies put your best dress on!  Get your hair done!  Do it real big!  It's a celebration!  Fellows come on every one, let me hear you clap now if this is your joint, I ain't even got one sad tear left in me.  Yeah, all I really want is to see the whole world stand up tonight, we're celebrating life, no matter who you are.  If you've been working hard give yourself a round of applause!!!  Bravo-o-oh!!!"

It's Amazing Right?  How one cd can give out all that this cd has given.  This is the female anthem for 2011/12......It's not over either.  There's more.  I wish I could meet Ledisi personally to let her know just how much these songs mean to me and how inspired I have been by listening to them.  The lyrics are amazing, but you have to hear the music.  OMG!!!!  Your head will be bopping, fingers will be popping.  I listen to it at least 20 times per day since I first got the cd.

Let's give ourselves a round of applause when we take the necessary steps to move in the direction we want to go.  We don't always have to make moves that would move a mountain, but if we just keep applying ourselves, eventually we will move that mountain.  How do you eat an elephant?  One bite at a time.....

"Discipline yourself to do the things you need to do when you need to do them, and the day will come when you will be able to do the things you want to do when you want to do them!"  --by Zig Ziglar.....

"The secret to success is to learn to accept the impossible, to do without the indispensable, and to bear the intolerable." ---Nelson Mandela......

Take Care,


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