Sunday, January 22, 2012


January 21, 2012........

Vitality:  1. exuberant physical or mental vigor:  2. capacity for survival or for the continuation of a meaningful or purposeful existence:  3. power to live or grow.  4. vital force or principle.

Rejuvenate:  1. to restore to youthful vigor, appearance, etc; make young again.  2. to restore to a former state; make fresh or new again.  3. to undergo rejuvenation.

Restore:  1. to bring back into existence, use, or the like; reestablish:  2. to bring back to a former, more desirable condition:  3. to bring back to a state of health, soundness, or vigor.

Vigor:  1. active strength or force; intensity; energy.  2. healthy physical or mental energy or power; vitality.  3. healthy growth in any living matter or organism.

When I started out on my journey to be a "Walking Woman that Wins"  I had no idea that I was going to find myself having so many twists and turns on this road to health and longevity.  Some days up, some days down.  Some days in, and some days out.  Some days cold, and yes, some days hot or not.  The interesting thing is that I also decided to blog about it in hopes of keeping myself accountable and focused.  I have to admit that I enjoy the nuances that have come with blogging and walking while trying to be healthy and well so that I can live a long, yet prosperous life.

I must admit that I enjoy keeping writing in this blog.  I didn't realize how therapeutic this would be for me.  I look forward to being able to say to my immediate family that I have to blog.  They can see now that I am serious about what I'm doing and that it requires me to be able to shut out the rest of the world and spend some quality time with my thoughts in order to formulate that which I wish to convey night after night.  If for no other reason I have an excuse for at least thirty minutes to an hour to do Lolita.  This gives me time for reflection.  I take this time to hit the pause button and take a few breaths, inhale & exhale.....

Today marks my 3 week anniversary!!  I've been consistently putting one foot in front of the other over these last few weeks and I must say that I have nothing to complain about.  I started 2012 just the way I wanted to and I'm carrying out my resolution full and in effect.   I chose the topic rejuvenate today because by allowing ourselves to take time out for ourselves we can rejuvenate our bodies and minds to the depths of our souls.  We will see a complete transformation occur within us when we  allow the rejuvenation process to happen.  We will see restoration starting to take place slowly but surely.  I'm beginning to feel fresh and anew.  I would love to restore my body and my mind with youthful exuberance, vitality and strength.  I will continue with vigor, while I challenge myself to grow and blossom in the middle of winter.  I think that anytime we push ourselves we can't help but have that sense of accomplishment when we see that even though we're not where we want to be, we're definitely not where we used to be.

I've given myself marching orders, and I will continue to march on!!

"Why hesitate?  Upon the plains of hesitation are the bleached bones of countless millions, who on the threshold of victory sat down to wait, and in waiting they died.-----Author Unknown

I will live and not die......esp; not waiting-----by Lolita Jackson

To thine self be true......

Love Alwayz,


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