Saturday, January 7, 2012


January 7, 2012......advancement toward a goal or to a further or higher stage.  2. the development of an individual or society in a direction considered superior to the previous level.  3. growth or development; continuous improvement......Amen!!  If I were to define my first week in 2012,  I would have to say that I have made progress.  I have made continuous advancement toward a goal that I set out for myself at the beginning of this year to be a "Walking Woman Winning!!"  I am winning every time I continue to put one foot in front of the other and move a little further than I did the day before, I know that is progress.  I know that this last week has met me head on with one challenge after another, yet I kept my eye on the prize and that is my health.  I know that I am blessed to see 2012 without sitting at the cancer center with tubes in my arms and body being infused with chemotherapy treatments not knowing if I was going to live or die.   To be here sitting in this bed with the ability to reflect back just a year ago and realize that I owe it to God, myself, my children, husband, family and friends to give this race the best I have to give.  I know that the race isn't given to the swift, nor the strongest or the fastest, the race is given to the one who endures to the end.....That is an act of progression. A continual, steady pace, forward.  A conscious move toward excellence.  Not die-t-ing!!  No, I am not on a die-t!!!!  I will live and not die.  I am moving in the direction that will foster health and wellness.  Longevity, is my goal.  A quality of life that will keep me here for a long time to enjoy my life.  Give me the opportunity to see my son graduate from high school, then college.  I will be here to spend quality time with my grandsons, and continue to nurture and growing and maturing relationship with my older sons and daughter.  That's what a winning woman is to me.  Someone who is balanced in her thoughts, thereby it shows in her day to day activities and in her surroundings at home and abroad.

I Thank God daily for blessing me to see another day.  His gift to me is life.  My gift to him is to take care of the life I have to live.  I will walk this thing out, daily progressing, moving forward one step at a time.

I walked 40 minutes tonight and I just realized that I haven't even stepped on a scale yet this year!!  That's a miracle all by itself.  I was so obsessed with that scale........whew!!!!  See, that's progress, Amen.....Amen!!



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