Monday, January 16, 2012

"Be Good To Yourself"

January 15, 2012........Today I wanted to share another song with you because I have this CD that just moves me from the beginning to the end.  Everyday I think "what song do I want to share today?"  That's how good the cd is.  Of course you already know that I am speaking of the Ledisi cd "Pieces of Me."  However; I was torn because I couldn't wait until today that marked my two week journey on the road to wellness and I wanted to share the perfect song that would of spoken to that crucial milestone, but I don't feel right sharing that particular song today.  I am going to share a different song today because today I am feeling more like I have to hold on.  When I say hold on, I mean hold on.  I am not there yet.  I knew that going in, on this road, this journey.  I knew that it wouldn't be easy.  If it was, I would of done it already.  So, it's day number 3 that I haven't walked.  My body stopped moving.  I was tired, I mean I was literally exhausted!!  I didn't want to stop because I also know me well enough to know that if I stop, then I might not have what it takes to keep it moving again.  I couldn't let myself slow down, even though I knew that I had to slow down,  What a dichotomy right?  So, I sloooowwwed down.  I'm not back up yet.  Do I beat myself up?  Will I get back out there?  What am I going to do?

First thing I'm going to do is "Be good to myself"  I refuse to beat myself up about it.  I will remind myself of what it is that I want to accomplish and keep putting one foot in front of the other.  That's what I am going to do.........So, with that being said, here's my toast to me, and you.  We will be good to ourselves.  Let's not be defined by what we will or won't do, can or can't do.  Let's stay focused and know who the race is given to, the one who endures til the end.

   "Be good to yourself.  Sometimes we don't listen, to what we already know.  Take time to hear me, cause you've got to be told.  So busy looking for love, like you don't know your worth.  Get it together, even when it hurts.  You gotta be good to yourself, yeah, be good to yourself.  You can't wait on nobody else, no one else.  Baby be good to yourself.  Oh, you can't love nobody else, oh, you can't love nobody else.  Some days you feel like running from everyone you know.  The things that you thought might be right now, it ain't necessarily so.  So much on my mind, need a break from it all.  To get myself together, so I don't fall.  Gotta be good to yourself.  Be good to yourself.  You can't wait on nobody else, Lolita.  No one else.  Oh, you can't love nobody else.  Oh, when you're traveling, through the highs and the lows.  Make sure you listen to your spirit, you gotta take care of your soul.  Hold on, never give up!!  You can get through whatever, always make time for yourself, whoo...You Gotta Be Good To Yourself!!  You keep looking for the love from somebody else.  You gotta find it from within.  Be Good To Yourself!!"

I am learning to love Lolita.  That hasn't come easy for me, finding value in myself and considering myself worthy of love, self love, that's the key.  It feels good yall (like the Neely's say).

I found every single successful person I've ever spoken to had a turning point.. The turning point was when they made a clear, specific unequivocal decision that they were not going to live like this anymore; they were going to achieve success.  Some people make that decision at 15 and some people make it at 50, and most people never make it at Brian Tracy



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