Sunday, January 8, 2012

"Watch Me Win!!"

January 8, 2012.....I don't know what the term is called when you find yourself at a place in life where everything is aligning itself right where it's supposed to.  The place when you know that you know that you know.  I am here, at that place.  It's kind of eerie, simply because that kind of stuff usually don't happen to Lolita.  That good good happens to others.  In fact, I put myself in a position to make sure that I have a hand in making the good good happen in other people's lives.  I came up with the title "watch me win" after watching Hosea Chanchez of the show "The Game" being interviewed on a gospel show earlier this morning.  Hosea was talking about a non-profit agency that he is the President of called "Watchmewin".

I went to the website to find out more about his non-profit agency and I was impressed with what I saw.  He has a non-profit agency that is primarily for youth and the premise of the program is to inspire our youth to be winners.  As I started reading about how to win there were some things that he said that stood out to me and I am going to take my inspiration any and everywhere I can get it.  I know that only God would know that I would turn my television at the time that I did and just so happen to see him being interviewed and then I would park on that channel to see what he was talking about.  I don't believe in coincidences.  How to win is for me.  Hosea says that in order for us to be winners we must first have a free mind.  He says that we must protect our eye gate, our ear gate and pay attention to what we see and hear on a regular basis.  I agree.  In order for me to be a walking woman that wins, I can't allow myself to be bogged down with negativity.  I must keep a positive attitude in order to accomplish the goals that I have set out to achieve.  He talks about energy and how we can feel energy even though we can't see it.  I have been in a room and the energy in the room would be completely zapped when a negative energy zapping individual would walk in and change the atmosphere of the entire room.  Hosea goes on to tell us to dream and put things in their proper perspective which is something you definitely have to do in order to set goals to be a winner.  You must first have a dream.  A place where you see yourself going to get where you want to be.  What is it that I want to attain?  Is my goal to lose weight?  If it is, how am I going to go about losing weight?  I must put a plan of action into place.  The next item on his how to win game plan is perspective.  I must change my perspective if I am going to change the conditions that surrounds me.  I must start seeing my world through a different pair of lenses.  Is the glass half empty? or half full?  These things are important to winners in life.  We must ask ourselves the question, do we sit around and talk about people or ideas?  For me, I don't have time to sit around talking about people.  I love to talk about ideas!!  I am the consummate dreamer.......I can talk about ideas and innovations all day long.  I love to charge the atmosphere with positive energy and excitement so much so that sometimes you have to peel me from the ceiling.  The next thing I must do to be winner is be giver.  Are you a giver?  God can't give us what's in his hand if our hand is balled up so tight because we won't let go of what's in our hand.  Let it go!!  Give it!!  It will come back around some way or another.  I am a firm believer of that, to a fault for the most part.  So much so that I have not put myself on my own list of priorities, which is what I talked about at the beginning of the year.  I will continue to be a giver, however;  just like the evacuation emergency plan on an airplane says to put the mask over your own face first before even your child, that same emergency plan is applicable in our daily lives.  We must put ourselves first, then and only then will we have the strength, energy & perspective to properly give to someone else.  In order for us to be winners according to Hosea next we must be accountable.  Having this blog is definitely a way for me to be accountable even without an accountability partner.  I am holding myself accountable.  That's important. What will I do when I am all alone?  Will I sneak downstairs and empty out the fridge or will I stand for what it is I want?  Will I get up and walk no matter what?  What is my FINAO?  (Failure Is Not An Option)  Just having these things in place allows me to have accountability within myself.  I don't have to look outside of Lolita for that anymore.  I am learning to find what I need as I go along.  Just like nature and the animals,  they take only what they need.  A lion will only kill one animal to eat when he is hungry.  It doesn't matter that the lion is the king of the jungle and has the entire jungle available to him.  He doesn't go around killing prey just to be killing.  Think about it?  His meat would sit around spoil, rot and the flesh of the carcass would be eaten by other animals because he would be too full to eat anymore than the portion he needs, the rest becomes a cancer to him.  That's where I am.  All other excess is cancer.  Too much!!  The last thing Hosea addresses about winning is FEAR!!!!   He tells us to "Fearnot"  I agree wholeheartedly.....Fear is (False Expectations Appearing Real)  That's it, that's all...Once we know that, everything, I mean everything will be conquerable.  There is no boogey man.  Remember, God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of love and of a sound mind and body!!!

 Today, I agree with Hosea Chancez, my motto........"WATCHMEWIN"



1 comment:

  1. Mother I am sooo proud of you. You truly are an inspiration in my life and I admire your audacity, strength, and faith! Thank you for being you and like I say to the members in my class change your pace, change your body, change your life!! Keep up the good work 
