Friday, January 27, 2012

"My Soul Says Yes!!"

Jaenuary 27, 2012.......Have you ever felt like everything around you was falling apart, yet at the same time you feel a connection to something that you can't see that let's you know you're on the right track and to hold on.  That's what's going on with me right now.  There are areas in my life that seems as if they're being ripped apart at the seems.  I mean ripped, shredded, and then put inside a paper shredder and ripped some more.  (I'm speaking of my finances) However, there's other areas that let's me know I am on the right road.  I'm finding peace in the middle of the storm.  I don't mean that kind of peace that you see on t.v. the kind of peace where you're sitting with your legs crossed, like Buddah, and you're chanting, meditating and the atmosphere smells like incense. (Hey, maybe I should try it?)  Not that kind of peace.  That's that real peace, you know that peace that surpasses all understanding.  I'm talking the kind of peace that is, it's falling apart, the sky literally is falling, I've done everything that I know to do, can do, and I have to keep it moving......I can only give it 15 minutes.  I have a philosophy that I do a pretty good job of sticking to and that is, if its a bad thing, or whatever; I give it 15 minutes, that's it, that's all.  It doesn't always be like that, but it generally is.  I can't give too much more of me over to anymore than 15 minutes.

Today I was in the book store for one thing, then I came across a book that's a journal about a couple who found creative ways to chart their course on the path to wellness.  They felt the necessity to journal every day like I'm doing with my blogging, and they started writing down everything, what they were eating, the exercises they started doing, the journal is amazing because it gives me a place to log my progression.  It's let's me know that I am on the right track.  I didn't get the words out of my mouth good from this morning and  voila! Confirmation!!  Then I find another book about communicating with my soul and how to open up my spirit woman and having the ability to find fulfillment in healing not only the body, but the mind and the spirit.  He talks about transformation.  I had just said on my last blog that I don't dwell on the past, that I stay in the now, yet I know that I make reference to the past in order to learn from it and not repeat it.  This other book talked about that very thing almost verbatum.  He made mention of the past being a way to show us how to come into the now and how to use tools for change so that we don't repeat the past.

I don't know about you but that's some fascinating stuff.  Especially since I just just talked about this very thing then to walk into the store to find guidance, and words of wisdom as an accompaniment to better equip me as I journey on this road less traveled to health, wellness, prosperity of the mind, body and soul.......

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