Tuesday, January 3, 2012

"Preparation is Key"

January 3, 2012.....I live in a city that rains quite a bit, so if you plan on walking here in my town you better plan on walking in the rain from time to time.  Today was a nice day to get out and take a walk, the weather was a little misty so I put on my rain coat and rain hat, doubled up on my socks and headed out the door with dog in tow.  I definitely started out earlier than I have the last couple of days which was a good thing it allowed me to walk further than the night walks did.  It wasn't until I got out on the street and well into the walk that I realized how unprepared I was for my walk with Carmello.  I kept feeling a tug on the leash and I looked down to my side and Carmello was trying to cop a squat, now mind you, I'm not on a wooded trail where no one can see me, we are on a busy street, the high school students were getting out of school, a lot of the students know who I am and here my dog is trying to do a number two.  I yell Carmello NOOOO!!! you can't, I don't have anything to pick your poop up with, now I am talking to my dog he is suspended in mid air looking at me like I have two heads and I say Carmello WAIT!!! DON'T, YOU CAN'T!!!  I love my dog because Carmello looked at me as if to say, okay let's go back home and get a baggy for my poop!!!

 1)  If you go for a walk with your dog, make sure you are fully prepared with a plastic poop baggy and I prefer a scooper.
2)  I think it's important to have a jacket that has zippered pockets allowing you to keep things in your pocket and you don't have to worry about losing anything along your walking path.
3)  Trying to juggle a blue tooth in your ear and ipod ear phones is rather complicated, you must have the blue tooth in one ear and one speaker piece in the other ear.
4)  Make sure you have on athletic socks because cutesy, wutesy socks is not cute when your toes want to cramp up!!
5)  Wear comfortable athletic shoes for walking!!!!  Not a pair of Tom's or some stylish bright orange hot shoes that turn out to be not so hot and you end up cutting your walk short because you weren't properly prepared!!!

Take Care,

"Lolita....Walking Woman Winning"

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