Sunday, January 6, 2013

"Separation is in the Preparation!!"

January 6, 2013.....

                                          "Separation is in the Preparation"

     I heard a statement today from Russell Wilson, the rookie quarter back for the Seattle Seahawks.  Russell talked about not having a lot of moments in life but when you do get that moment that you've been dreaming of you must be prepared, ready to take the stage.

     Sometimes, we have to separate ourselves from others, from the noise, the outside influences that try to creep in and become distractions.  It's during those times that we have to make the most of, that we have to get the work done, during the separation, the times that can tend to be a little lonely even but you know that you're being prepared for game day, for your moment, regardless of what that moment is, you just have to get ready.

     For me, my moment of truth will be when I go to the doctor and he comes back with the best results that I could prepare myself for.  That's my game day, that's the stage I am looking forward to stepping on and looking at the results that says my liver is in good condition, my cholesterol is normal, I have no cancer tumors, in fact I am indeed in the best physical shape I can be in for my age, shoot, I want the test results to come back and say that I have the physical health of someone half my age!!

     Russell also said to focus on execution and not to shy away from greatness.  He said that the one who can ignore the noise is the one that will come out on top.  Every play counts, every snap matters, we must excel and focus with the precision of a laser beam.

     In order to be a "Walking Woman that Wins" we have to get in the game and play.  It doesn't matter what the weather is like, every day is game day, do what you need to do in order to win the game.  Set your goals and start taking the steps necessary to win.

"The Law of Intention and Desire"  #5

"Inherent in every intention and desire is the mechanics for it's fulfillment.....intention and desire in the field of pure potentiality have infinite organizing power.  And when we introduce an intention in the fertile ground of pure potentiality, we put this infinite organizing power to work for us."  ~ By Deepak Chopra

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