Wednesday, January 2, 2013

"Inch by Inch is a Cinch"

January 2, 2013.......... 

I know I said I jumped, which I did, however; I have also decided to take this new year one step at a time.  I heard the phrase "inch by inch is a cinch" earlier today and that lil phrase resonated with me.  Sometimes it just doesn't pay to move so fast that you don't even slow down enough to smell the roses, see the scenery, read the sign posts along the sides of the roads.  I am going to do what I can when it comes to my health this year, I am already making small choices of change that I know little by little will amount to significant results as time passes by.  For example, I had a bowl of cereal that I knew had a little bit of sugar already included and so instead of me adding two teaspoons to the bowl I added one teaspoon to the bowl.  Now I will admit that as I was doing that I thought to myself, "why?" Lolita do you need the sugar?  Didn't have an answer, just knew that I just did it, no rhyme or reason, but I did say to myself that it's here, right here that I need to start paying closer attention to, these little mindless, unnecessary decisions that I make when it comes to my eating.  I also know that I am an emotional eater so as of today I've decided to start keeping a journal of what I eat and the times that I eat, what I'm thinking or not?  What just happened in my life that caused me to start stuffing away my problems, or what has me so elated that I want to celebrate my victories with food.  I am hoping that by doing so I will have data that will result in manifested change in a positive, healthy way. 

Today I did not walk but I did lift my 3lb. bells and I stretched.  I feel good about that. 

I talked with someone who told me that they don't make "New Year's Resolutions" and I gladly said, "I do all the time!!"  well, as the words were coming out of my mouth I also started thinking about why do I?  Especially because I don't seem to ever keep them........  Um....  I reckon I don't have the answer to that, I just know that I am am such an optimist, I just believe that sooner or later my resolutions have to manifest with a little discipline and a little work.

"Believe that life is worth living, and your belief will help create that fact."  ~ William James ~

Take Care,

"Lo Lo Love"

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