Sunday, January 1, 2012

A Fresh Start

 January 1, 2012...I knew how I wanted to bring in the new year, yet I had reservations about getting started.  I found myself thinking and rethinking about how I was going to start walking.  I know it sounds like such a simple concept, right?  That's all I needed to do was get up and go walking!!  This day was going to be different from all the other 364 days in 2011, somehow on day 365 everything was going to fall into place.  Well, I'd like to say it did, but in keeping it real, it didn't.  I wanted to bring in the new year swimming in a pool of fresh water, waving to the camera and letting the world know that I did it!!  I got my behind up and got into the pool and by doing so it would let the world also know that the year was off to a great start and my setting a resolution this year and sticking to it is gonna work!!  So, I called my gym and realized that they weren't going to be open at midnight, I had to wait until 6 a.m.  Somehow, that gave me a little relief because I was comfortable thinking about my new year's resolution.....As bad as I wanted change, I was still comfortable thinking about change, not holding my own feet to the fire!!  I waited until 11:45 p.m. to get my butt up, get dressed and ready to go and take my walk.  I procrastinated!!  I called people and talked a good talk, however; when it came to walking the walk, it didn't come easy for my body to catch up with part of my mind, part of me was saying yes to change, while the other part of me fought it all the way!!  I must say that getting up, getting out and taking those first steps in 2012 felt real good.  The night air was fresh, crisp and invigorating.  I am glad that I followed through with what I wanted to do for Lolita.  I'm glad that I decided to work a selfish program that put my need for health and longevity above the foolishness of thought that keeps me stagnate and virtually paralyzed when it comes to taking care of my physical body for even 20 minutes, let alone an hour!!

I didn't want it to stop there.  I didn't walk long, I walked to the end of the driveway and down the street,  I heard some gun shots and came back home rather quickly, but it was good.  Later, after I woke up today I went for a walk along the trail near my home.  I put in a 30 minute walk with my husband and son.  It was a little easier to get out today than it was last night partly because I know that taking that first step was key.  I'm excited about what this year is going to bring as far as my health is concerned.  I'm excited to share this journey with others who may be experiencing some of the same feelings of trepidation as I do.  This too will pass.  We will get through this together.  I want to have a safe place to share my thoughts and experiences.  I know that there are a whole lot of people who are just like me.  We don't have it all figured out.  We will take one step at a time, together, okay.... Sincerely, Lolita aka (Walking Woman that's Winning!!!)

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