Friday, January 6, 2012


January 6, 2012.......I literally just walked through the door after a 40 minute walk.  I am sweating and feeling good about the fact that I even made it out the door.  Today was my son's birthday he turned 18, a milestone seeing as how he is the youngest.  I knew that I wanted to celebrate with a little something, you know the traditional ice cream and cake. What I didn't know was how I was going to go about the celebration?  Was I going to go all out and prepare some big elaborate meal with all the trimmings?  Was I going to bake a cake and show him that mommy loves you, boo, see look what I did with my own two hands?  Or, was I just going to stay where my heart and spirit is right now and KISS him.....(Keep It Simple Sweetie).

I chose the latter!!  In doing so, I decided to go to dairy queen and buy an ice cream cake.  Now I thought that would be a fairly simple enough ordeal.  What I didn't expect were the smells to hit me as soon as I walked through the door.  I was smelling that sweet smell of cake and ice cream, mixed with the other smells of fried foods, not that greasy fried food that says eww!!  No maam.....this smell said, Lolitahhhh, hellloowww!!  Then there were all these ice cream cakes to choose from.  They had goofy characters, balloons, big cakes, small cakes, blizzard cakes, all kinds of cakes.  I had to ask myself what was I willing to walk out of that place with to allow to come into my home and tempt me?  Well the answer was nothing!!

I made up my mind in dairy queen that I wasn't going to let anything tempt me.  I was with a friend who was faced with the same dilemma.  My friend had spent the week eating raw fruits and vegetables only to walk into dairy queen and found herself looking at pictures of juicy burgers with ketchup and mustard oozing out the sides looking good enough to lick the picture.  We said right then and there that we would not be tempted and walked out the store with a cake that was small enough to sing happy birthday,  have a tiny slice in celebration and called it an evening!!!

I decided to look up the word temptation to see how big and scary that word has been in my life.  I'll have you know that while there were 23 definitions for stretch.  There was a couple of tiny definitions for temptation:  1. an act of tempting, enticement, allurement.  I don't know about you but, I will not be scurred of temptation again!!

Take Care,

and Happy Birthday to my boo boo baby, Sir Stephen, I Love You!!!

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