Friday, January 13, 2012


January 12, 2012........Okay, Okay, Okay!!!!!............I know what you're probably going to say or be thinking, how can I put January 12. and post it as today's blog when it's really January 13, 2012?  I understand, but what you may not understand is (I meant to write this last night) smile.....but an emergency came up, and it took me off course.  (ooh, that could of been a good title for today, stay on course)  hmm, maybe another day.  So, back to blogging.  The reason why I am going to get away with posting yesterday, today is there really was an emergency that had my butt in an emergency room last night right around the time that I would of been out walking and preparing myself to blog. AND, I want to stay committed to the goal that I set out to achieve at the beginning of the year, Blog Everyday Day As A Walking Woman That Wins!!

 Around 10:00 p.m. I started having these pains in my right arm that left me without the ability to move my arm.  My right arm had stiffened, then locked up and would not move.  Earlier in the afternoon around 2:30 p.m. the same thing had occurred, yet I was able to maneuver my arm after about a good 20 minutes of a whole lot of stretching and contorting the arm to get it back in a position of stability.  My arm settled down and I was able to take a nap and sleep the pain away.  After I came home from my son's basketball game my arm locked up again, this time it didn't move at all.  I knew that I was going to have my plan of walking and blogging interrupted but I didn't have a choice.  I had to go to emergency to see what is going on?

I said from the beginning that I was going to keep it real, so in the spirit of that I need to let it be known that I have been diagnosed with "lymphedema".  Lymphedema, in a nut shell is the obstruction of the lymphatic system for poorly developed or missing lymph nodes or channels causing localized fluid retention and swelling in the tissues.  Lymphedema comes is different stages and or different channels.  I was diagnosed with lymphedema about 6 months ago.  I didn't realize the severity of lymphedema until lately.  I have been having increased swelling and pain, so I've been going to see a kinesiologist twice a week to help with range of motion and or swelling.  I also see a naturopath doctor who suggested that I try a lymphasizer machine.  A lymphasizer machine actually moves the body rhythmically like that of a fish.  In the Japanese culture it's common for people to use a lymphasizer to keep the lymphatic flowing.  I started using the machine on Monday of this week.  So, in addition to the increased walking, deep tissue therapy, as well as the lymphasizer,  maybe something made my arm lock up and not move, no flow what so ever!!!  At the emergency room they did check to see if  I had any clotting and the good news there is that there wasn't any clotting, whew!

So,  before my arm locked up, I said to myself that I shouldn't just keep going, going and going.  I knew that I should take at least one day a week if not two to just REST!!!  Let my body get used to the physical demands that I was putting on it and allow myself time for reflection, introspection and meditation.  I kept hearing my spirit tell me to relax, Rome wasn't built in a day, slow down Lo!!  Slow down!!  Wouldn't you know it, our bodies are so amazing that they have the ability to stop on their own.  That's it!!  That's all!!  If I didn't have the sense to listen to my body, then it was going to force me to and it did.  Believe me, I'm listening now.  I should have known that a person who has been physically challenged shouldn't be out anywhere just walking, walking, walking for 12 days straight without taking time in between to Rest.  My body said "Lolita, Sit Your Butt Down!!!"  I appreciate the course of events that have transpired in the last 24 hours for this very reason that it has allowed me to dig a little deeper.  By doing so, I found out more about lymphedema and just what am I looking at?  Am I looking into a double barrel shot gun or what?  Resting has allowed me to align my mind and body succinctly.  It keeps me in tuned with my surroundings.  I'll tell you, after looking up lymphedema and seeing some of the images of certain stages, I also have been made aware of how serious this is.  It's no joke!!  I can't afford to not work a selfish program that would put me on the road to health, fitness and recovery!!

Rest: 1. The refreshing ease or inactivity after exertion or labor.  2. a period or interval of inactivity, repose, solitude, or tranquility.  3. mental or spiritual calm.  

I have another word for you!!

Repose:  1. The state of being at rest.  2. peace or tranquility, calm.  3. dignified calmness, composure.  4. absence of movement or animation.  5. to lie or be at rest, as from work or activity.  6. to be peacefully calm and quiet.  

I know that it's easier said than done, trust me, I get it as evidenced by my own experiences, however; we have got to put ourselves first.  We must take the time out of our busy days and lives to repose.  Whether it's reading a good book for pleasure and relaxation.  Or, have a spa day, manni or pedi.  Or just take some deep calculated breaths for 15 minutes.  Find what works for you, and like the Nike motto, "Just Do It!!"

(Gen. 2:2) And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made.

(Matthew 11:28) Come unto Me, Lolita, when ye labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, Lolita, and learn of Me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your soul.  For My yoke is easy, Lolita, and My burden is light.  Amen!!

With Love,

Yours Truly,


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