Friday, January 20, 2012

"Awaken The Giant Within"

January 19, 2012........"Awaken The Giant Within" is the title of a book by Anthony Robbins that I pull off the shelf probably about once a month hoping that I will be inspired and encouraged to awaken the giant inside of me.  For the most part the giant awakes, then goes right back to sleep again.  That has been happening throughout my life.

I'm happy to report that the giant is awake now and roaring!!!  I love me today!!  I have so much possible turmoil that comes along every single day that tries to pull me down and turn me around in the opposite direction to where I see myself ending up.  But today I keep it moving one way or another.  I'm feeling the fear of success and I'm doing it anyway.  I'm listening to the calm, still, quiet inner voice inside of me, without the television and yes even without music, the voice that's speaking health not sickness, encouragement not discouragement, love not hate, peace not war, prosperity not poverty.  I'm finding a way to come into my own while walking into myself.  If I don't like sitting in the comforts of my own home with just me, then heck, no one else will.

Walking is allowing me to get out and enjoy the out of doors.  Smell the oxygen that I'm breathing.  I know you think that you can't smell oxygen, but you can....I encourage you to get out, take a walk, shovel some snow, clean the cabinets, spring clean in the winter!!!!  Look at winter as it is upon us and find the beauty that nature shares with us daily.  It has snowed here for the last 5 days and  being outside in the winter can be just as glorious as the spring and summer.  Today I enjoyed the snowmen that were on peoples lawns.  Neighbors were out helping one another get their cars from being stuck in the snow.  I went out again today and shoveled  not only my front porch but I shoveled 4 of my neighbors front porches, as well as their parking areas, shoot I was feeling so good that I went down to the main entrance of our parking area and shoveled there also.  My dog played in the snow, tried to bite snowballs that kept smashing on his face, he didn't care with his crazy self, he was trying to catch snowballs (that was some funny business)........

Love the life you've been blessed with.  Awaken The Giant Within!!!

"Deep within man dwell those slumbering powers; powers that would astonish him, that he never dreamed of possessing; forces that would revolutionize his life if aroused and put into action."  -- by Orison Swett Marden

Tap into the unlimited power that lies sleeping within you.  Let it slumber no more.
-by Anthony Robbins

Take Care,


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