Friday, January 6, 2012


January 5, 2012.......In the spirit of keeping it real.  I have been walking for the last 5 days and it wasn't until tonight that I decided that maybe it would be a good idea for me and my body to give it a good stretch, especially my glutes, hamstrings, shins, quads, etc;  I know that going out to walk the distances that I have been without stretching could of caused me serious injury and maybe even prevented me from walking for awhile which would of put all my efforts at risk by not allowing me to walk for God knows how long.  I felt the sting of not stretching last night coming around that corner I was telling you about and while going up that incline on a little itty bitty hill I said to myself last night that I was going to make sure that I stretched from here on out just because I didn't want the lack of stretching to be a reason to keep me from my FINAO...

It felt so good to stretch my muscles.  I found a quiet spot to really get into my body and allowed myself to feel the muscles being stretched and loosened.  While I was into my down time I started to think about the word stretch and I wanted to know just what the webster's dictionary definition of stretch meant?  Would you believe that webster's had 23 definitions of the word stretch!!  I must say that I'm not surprised.....Because while I was stretching my muscles, I knew at that instance my muscles weren't the only things being stretched. In order for me to embark upon this journey to be a "Walking Woman Winning" I had to come to a place within my body and soul that would allow me to stretch.

Stretch: 1. to spread out fully.  2. to extend to the limit. 3. to extend, force, or make serve beyond the normal or proper limits, strain: to exert.  4. to extend one's limbs or body.  5. to extend over a distance.

That my friend is where I must be willing to take myself and my body.  I must stretch out fully and allow myself to be extended to the limit, through joys and pains, heartache, tears and yes smiles from time to time.  I am willing to serve beyond the normal limits of expectations that occasionally will cause strain and exertion beyond what my body is used to or what my body will cry out to say no more, I will go the distance to get to the other side of dis-ease.

Today, I will S-T-R-E-T-C-H!!!!!!



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