Wednesday, January 4, 2012

What is your FINAO?

January 4, 2012.....I was asked the question today, what is my FINAO?  I smiled because I have a FINAO.  My answer is to be a "Walking Woman Winning!!" I have a friend who shared with me what FINAONATION is and how he is involved in the business.  FINAO means, "Failure Is Not An Option" we must come to a point in our lives when no matter what, against all odds, we will do whatever it takes to make our dreams and desires come true.  Failure is not an option!!

I have decided that failure is not an option for me when it comes to my health.  I was out walking tonight and I was able to walk for 50 minutes, that's a good thing but I couldn't help but to think back to a few months ago and how fast things can change.  I found myself walking on the same streets that I had walked before coming around the same corners I have walked plenty of times and yet tonight I found myself huffing and puffing, my knees were hurting and I couldn't help but think that I had been here before, not even 6 months ago I could walk that street with a breeze but then I remembered before that same walk became a breeze, back when I was huffing and puffing, sitting on the side wall of people's lawns because it was hard for me to get up the hill and how I kept pushing myself until it became easier and easier, how I went from walking 30 minutes to an hour, from an hour to two hours and now I am back where I started from and all of this has occurred in less than a year.  I am not going to beat myself up about it, but I will say this, that saying that it's easier to put it on than it is to take it off is true.  I started a program back in March of 2011 and by July I was walking up to 4-5 miles per day, then somewhere it all went wrong.  I let one day go by without walking that turned in to two days and here I am can barely make it for 30 minutes.....The good news out of all of this is that I am such a fighter.  I will not give up.  I will keep going,  I may have been down but never out.  I am going to keep going back to that hill and I will keep going a little further and a little further until I make it all the way down and then   back up again, just like before.  I remember looking at the top of the hill and thinking one day I will get to the top and look over it.  Got to the top looked over it, then went down it and back up. That will happen again, I'm not worried, in fact the thought of it gives me hope and encouragement.

Downtown Edmonds, here I come!!!!  "Failure Is Not An Option"

  We all must come to the place where we ask ourselves what is our FINAO?  What will we do no matter what?  Like my grandmother used to say, "come hell or high water".... I encourage you to find your FINAO!!!

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