Saturday, January 21, 2012


January 20, 2012........Brilliant:  1. shining brightly; sparkling; glittering.  2. distinguished; outstanding.  3. having or showing great intelligence, talent, etc.  4. strong and clear in tone; vivid; bright.  5. splendid or magnificent: a gem............

Today, I didn't walk out in my neighborhood, particularly because we are sitting on the heels of a major snow storm.  Today the inclement weather was such that it caused much trepidation at the thought of getting out and walking in it.  Instead, I got in a pretty good workout by shoveling more snow, this time the snow was heavy from water weight due to rain falling on top of it.  My neighbors were out in full force today helping with the shoveling of the snow and continuing to dig cars out of the snow.

As I began to contemplate about the topic for today the word "Brilliant" came to mind.  I was thinking about how much I like the word and how nice it would be to be considered as a brilliant person and looked upon as  a brilliant person from my family and friends.  Wouldn't it be nice to have someone say to you that when they hear the word brilliant that they would immediately have your name or the image of you would come to their minds.  So, what I have decided to do is to tell myself that I am brilliant, and to share the word brilliant with you, and to tell you that you are brilliant, and when I think of you I think of how brilliant you are!!  I believe that we should spend more time taking the time out of our busy days to tell someone else just how much they mean to us and offer them our words of encouragement and inspiration.  And, if we aren't fortunate enough to be the recipient of such wonderful, brilliant beautiful words of encouragement or inspiration then we should tell ourselves what we want someone else to tell us!!

Have you ever sent yourself a text?  I have. Yes, I have.  My husband would send me texts and I would look forward to receiving his texts.  I would smile at the words of encouragement and just the feel good feelings of anticipation knowing that I was going to receive a text sooner or later at some point during the course of my day.  Well, on the days that I didn't receive my texts for whatever reason I didn't want the feel good good to stop.  I wanted to carry that over into my day even if I had to initiate the texts myself, so I tried it and it worked.  Shoot, I got my little fingers to moving and the next thing you know I was receiving a text that said

 "Hey Boo, Good Morning Beautiful. My Brilliant Queen shining like a diamond gem exquisitely cut to perfection.  I couldn't wait to wake up this morning to tell you just how special you are and that I had you in my dreams all night long....I hope you have a wonderful day with your fine self.  Ooh Wee!  Girl you better stop what you do to me before you make me come through this phone and well, you know.  Miss Lovely La La you be good today and I will be talking with you later."  

Ha Ha, I had you going didn't I.  It's the truth anyhow.  I did send myself texts like that on a regular basis and I continue to do that.  We all want to hear it and if we don't have someone telling us those words then we need to tell it to ourselves!!

I implore you to discover your brilliance.  What is it about you that is so unique that it sets you apart from all the rest?  How do you define your brilliance?  What is it that you do effortlessly?  What is that people marvel at about you?  Think on those things.......Take time for discovery.......

Your level of brilliance will determine the size of your opportunities in life.....--anonymous

Take Care,


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