Saturday, January 5, 2013


"January 4, 2013........."   

Trust (N) 1. Confident expectation of something; hope.  2. Reliance on the integrity, strength, ability, surety, etc; of a person or thing; confidence.

     I am trusting in my spirit that God has his hands holding me up, guiding me in the paths of all truth and righteousness.  I feel that so much so that I find myself not stressing about the who, what, when, where, why and how's.  I am not getting caught up on the end of the thing because that has kept me from getting through day to day activities.  Sometimes putting so much thought into what the outcome of a thing is going to be it keeps you stagnate and often times you find yourself not moving and getting a single thing accomplished by letting the smallest little thing become a deter-ant 

     For example, what I want to wear to go out and take a walk, or not having my i-pod, or not having my water bottle, my hair isn't looking right, so on and so fourth, when, in actuality, I just need to walk and stop allowing these sort of excuses to get the best of me.  I must say that I am not in that place today  I realize those are just excuses.  It's like Wayne Dyer says, "excuses begone!!"

I am feeling pretty good about letting go and letting God........

Today I stretched really good, my body is still aching and very sore......

"An excuse is worse and more terrible than a lie."   ~ By Alexander Pope

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