Friday, January 2, 2015


January 2, 2015

Alchemy:  1.  a form of chemistry and speculative philosophy of the Middle Ages that attempted to discover an elixir of life and a method for transmuting base metals into gold.  2.  any seemingly magical process of transmuting ordinary materials into something of true merit.

Alchemist:  1.  a person who is versed in or practices alchemy.

     It's the second day of the new year, and as excited as I am about this new year, I'm also approaching it slowly and methodically.  I read the book "The Alchemist" over the summer and it was for me the way I had heard everyone that's come across it say it would be.  I was immersed in it from beginning to the end.  I couldn't put it down, if I had to do something that would take me away from it I'd become agitated because I just wanted to know what was going to happen next.  If you haven't read it, it's one of those must reads.  Since reading the book everything in my life now is a SIGN, just like in the book everything is happening for a reason, all leading back to the one thing that Santiago set out on his quest in life for and that is to find his "Personal Legend".  

     As for myself, on this mystical road in my life, desiring to find my "Personal Legend", I'm finding that everyday brings about very interesting circumstances that calls for me take a look inside of myself and see what's in me that needs refining.  In order for to be pure gold I'm being tried by fire daily and it's not a lot of fun.  Being put in the kennel of life hurt, it's painful and ugly sometimes.  Just when I think I got this, something will happen to set off everything, squeeze me and ugly still comes protruding out of my pores and spirit and when that happens I know that I have to go back in the the fiery furnace again.  It's then that I know that God isn't finish with me yet.  I know that until I'm stressed to maximum, hungry like a starving lion, pushed to utter exhaustion, and then I get squeezed and the only thing that comes out of me is LOVE, UNDERSTANDING, and FORGIVENESS, Healthy Body, Renewed Spirit, and Pure Heart.  It's then that God will have transformed my ordinary into something magical and of true merit, and until then, I'm going to continue on this path in my life as an "Alchemist",  A person practicing alchemy.......

"If you're prepared, and you know what it takes, it's not a risk. You just have to figure out how to get there. There is always a way to get there.

~Mark Cuban


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