Tuesday, January 13, 2015

"Keeping The Dream Alive...."

January 12, 2015

Dream:  1. a succession of images, thoughts, or emotions passing through the mind during sleep.  2. an aspiration; goal; aim.  3. to conceive of something in a very remote way.

I'm not going to lie, this sh** ain't easy!  It's easier because I have a made up mind, however; sometimes stress can be a trigger that will cause me to start eating just random sh** mindlessly.  For example, earlier today I found myself eating a bag of gold fish, why?  I have no idea, I wasn't hungry and the gold fish has been in the pantry for the last four months and I've never even touched them.  In fact, I was the one that bought the snacks for my son.  At the time I figured they weren't for me, and my mindset was you can't pay me to eat them.  Yet today, I didn't think first, I just started eating the gold fish.  It wasn't until I finished 2 bags that I thought what the heck are you doing Lolita?  Why did you just do that?  I don't know why?  I didn't have an answer, it was a subconscious thing I do know that.  (which leads me to this) 

I know that I won't blow my future on a couple of bags of gold fish, but I also know that a couple of bags of gold fish can be the beginning of a downward slippery slope and that won't and can't happen.  I can't be mindless.  I have to carefully think about every, single thing that I do daily.  I have to continue to plan my meals and stay vigilant with my thoughts and actions, it's just as simple as that!!

The other thing is that the goldfish didn't even taste good.  I've been so used to eating clean, fresh good healthy foods, that eating the goldfish wasn't even pleasurable, it was just filler.......just filler that's all!!  Those gold fish didn't contain one nutrient, not one phytonutrient, not one vitamin, mineral, or antioxidant. (the bag did say baked!!!)  

I'll tell you what a 1.5 ounce bag of baked gold fish did contain:  

* 200 Calories
* 2g. Saturated Fat
* 360mg Sodium
* 5mg Cholesterol
* 28g Total Carbohydrates
* 7g Total Fat
* 60 Calories from Fat
Coloring, additives, preservatives, etc; etc; etc; etc; (get the picture) 

After All That, Why Would I THINK ABOUT EATING ANOTHER BAG??????

"There are no secrets to success, it the results of hard work, preparation and learning from failure."
~Gen. Colin Powell

"If you are going to achieve excellence in big things, you have to develop the habit in little matters.  Excellence is not an exception, it a prevailing attitude."
~Gen. Colin Powell

"The chief condition on which life, health and vigor depend on is action.  It is by action that an organism develops it's faculties, increases it's energy, and attains the fulfillment of it's destiny."
~Gen. Colin Powell

"Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time.  We are the ones that we've been waiting for.  We are the change that we seek.
~President Barack Obama

"No one should negotiate their dreams. Dreams must be free to flee and fly high.  No government, no legislature has a right to limit your dreams.  You should never agree to surrender your dreams."
~Rev. Jesse Jackson

Q * What do you call a fake noodle?
A * An Impasta

Q * What happens if you eat yeast and shoe polish?
A * Every morning you will rise and shine.

Q * What do lawyers wear to court?
A * Lawsuits

Be Blessed, Stay Encouraged & Keep Your Dreams Alive and Never, Never, Never Give Up!!

Love Always,


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