Friday, January 9, 2015

"Act Like A Success, Think Like A Success!!"

January 8, 2015

Success:  1. the favorable or prosperous termination of attempts or endeavors.  2. the attainment of wealth, position, honors, or the like.  3. a successful performance or achievement.  4. a person or thing that is successful.

Action:  1. something done or performed.  2. practical, often organized activity undertaken to deal with or accomplish something:  3. energetic activity, an exertion of power or force.

     Steve Harvey says it best in his latest book "Act Like A Success, Think Like A Success!"  that "Our gift is calling.....Are we ready to answer?  I am, and I love it.  I love the fact that I don't have all the answers and frankly speaking there are times when I don't have the slightest clue as to what my next step should be or how in the heck I'm going to accomplish walking up that big hill, but I take the leap of faith and put one foot in front of the other and I do it anyway.  Many times I have to stop along the way, sometimes with tears in my eyes but I'll sit there long enough to catch my breath, drink some water and keep it pushing!  There isn't a greater feeling of joy and success as it is when you've finished the hill, then you can truly say to yourself, thank you, this feels delicious!!

     In the book "Act Like A Success, Think Like A Success", Steve Harvey engages the reader by giving them Success Actions by encouraging us to write down our reflections, aspirations and visions for our lives.

     I encourage myself daily to be the miracle that I want to see.  I want my story to be the next success story that I read.  Daily I'm taking Success Action Steps to discover my gifts and my way to a rewarding life that is filled with peace, good health and love....

     There's something romantic about being quiet with myself, for myself.  In Russell Simmons book "Success through Stillness" he speaks to the necessity of taking the time out of our lives daily to be still and meditate by taking deep breaths and relaxing your mind, body and soul, and in doing so you'll find joy unspeakable.

     I'm also discovering how important and vital it is to center myself and be grounded with me time and quiet time during this transformation of my body and lifestyle because without it I'd probably go crazy!!! especially in these early months.

     Living in a household where everyone else in here can eat what they want, when they want is sooo freaking hard sometimes. That's why I can't stress enough how important finding your center is. That's why I speak a lot about the books I read and not a lot about the food I eat or workouts I do because I'm finding that the struggle is in my mind and success has to be established with my network of tools that I have at my disposal so that when the going gets tough (because trust and believe it will) I can draw strength, wisdom and knowledge from other people who have written books equipping me and  motivating me to keep going.  So, when the doughnuts come out (and they will) and it's just two people in the car and I am forced to sit next to my favorite apple fritters or I'm sitting upstairs in my room minding my own business and all of a sudden I'm being attacked by the smell of bacon, and I don't mean some bacon demon, Oh no, it's the fine as hell, hotter than a firecracker, sexxxy hunk of bacon man!!  He comes in my room looking so damn good on that plate (child please!!) I could eat his mama, and he has that bacon smell good cologne on too,  I'm here to tell you that YOU NEED A PLAN IF YOU ARE GOING TO BE SUCCESSFUL!!!  

The bible calls it being prayed up!  I call it being prepared, what are you going to do?  I now have an emergency kit just for those special occasions.  I carry my emergency kit with me at all times, I don't leave home without it, and if the bacon man comes in my house, I am prayed up, meditated up, peaced up, I can now woosah and walk out the door to walk it out or do a Taylor Swift and Shake It Off!!!

"Nothing splendid has ever been achieved except by those who dared believe that something inside of them was superior to circumstance."
~Bruce Barton

"Man's mind stretched to a new idea never goes back to its original dimensions."
~Oliver Wendell Holmes

"The only way to discover the limits of the possible is to go beyond them into the impossible."
~Arthur C. Clarke

"I think, therefore I am."
~Rene' Descartes

Best Regards,

Lolita Lovely Lady of Leisure Leo Love

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