Wednesday, January 21, 2015

"Born to Create!!"

January 21, 2015

Create:  1. to cause to come into being, as something unique.  2. to evolve from one's imagination, as a work of art or invention.  3. to arrange or bring about as by intention or design; to do something creative.

Creative:  1. having the quality or power of creating.  2. resulting from originality of thought; imaginative.    

Creator:  1. a person or thing that creates.

Creation:  1. the act of creating or engendering.  2. the original bringing into existence of the universe by God; the world.

     How many times have we've heard that we were created in God's image and likeness?  How many times have we all at some point in our lives heard the scripture John 14:12 quoted or we ourselves have even spoken it?

 (John 14: 12)   Truly, I tell all of you emphatically, the one who believes in me will also do what I am doing.  He will do even greater things than these.....

     It's imperative that we understand exactly who we are as human beings created in the image and likeness of God.  Once we realize that the words Jesus Christ spoke were meant to be taken as a literal translation and not figuratively, it's then that we can come into our inheritance as children of the most High God put in this universe to have whatsoever it is that we want.  We can literally call those things that be not as if they are.  We must understand that we have the POWER to create our world to look and be anyway our minds and imaginations can conceive it to be.

We have to start with NOW.

Today is a New Day, yesterday is a gone day and tomorrow is a NOT HERE YET DAY.........

EVERYDAY, I immerse myself in the word.  I am immersed in the word that liberates and transforms from an abundance of resources and materials that I've been blessed to have at my disposal.  When revelation comes, there's an "and suddenly" pricking of my spirit that lets me know that I've just heard "Truth" and I'm learning that when "Truth" comes "Wisdom" says it's to be applied immediately, without hesitation or procrastination.  There's no fear, worry or anxiety with "TRUTH".  

Knowing who you are, and what you're capable of having and being allows for a "Peaceful Awakening"of soul and spirit that surpasses all understanding.

I must apologize for the times when I've spoken doubt, worry, fear and anxiety.  I hadn't fully come into my truth.  But just like I've been speaking on the "Laws of Attraction" and how I truly believe that we can call what ever we want and desire into being, this new found wisdom and revelation is part of it because it was just yesterday that I blogged about "holding on by my fingernails".  I blogged fear, worry and anxiety then the very next day Revelation and Wisdom came and let me know that I have no need of either of those negative things.  There's no place in my life for fear, worry or anxiety.  If I allow that to penetrate into my life in any way, seep in from anywhere then I cancel out the:

 Love, Health, Healing, Blessing, Prosperity, Riches, Abundance, Beautiful Mrs. Fitness World Body, Homes, Millions, Books, Businesses, Wellness Coach and EVERYTHING else that I've been believing for and speaking out into existence. 

We have the keys to:

 "Unlock Tomorrow, Today!!"
~by Lolita Jackson

"Mind is the Master power that moulds and makes,
And Man is Mind, and evermore he takes
The tool of Thought, and shaping what he wills,
Brings forth a thousand joys, a thousand ills~
He thinks in secret, and it comes to pass,
Environment is but his looking-glass."
~James Allen

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