Wednesday, January 28, 2015

"Walk Yourself Thin!"

January 27, 2015

Walking:  1. able to walk; ambulatory.  2. living; live:  3. of or pertaining to a mechanical part that moves back and forth. 4. the act or action of a person or thing that walks.

Walk:  1. to advance or travel on foot at a moderate speed or pace; proceed by advancing the feet alternately so that there is always one foot on the ground in bipedal locomotion and two or more feet on the ground in quadrupedal locomotion.  2. to move about or travel on foot for exercise or pleasure:  3. to move in a manner suggestive of walking, as through repeated vibrations.  

I'm reading a book called "Walk Yourself Thin" by David Rives.  The book is based on the program "Get-Thin-For-Life".  If you haven't read the book I suggest that you pick up a copy of it.  It's a small little book  with about 150 pages and talks about the benefits of walking your way to better health and wellness.

In the book the author takes us on a journey that allows us as the readers to explore a "wonderful new world" that uncovers the benefits of a thin walking "Exercise" program that's different than a diet.  Thinwalking allows for two things to happen: daily a pound of fat will disappear and a pound of new leg muscle will appear in it's place so that at the end of each day you'll be one pound skinnier!!

The premise is that you'll be skinnier without losing weight because a pound of muscle takes up less space than a pound of fat allowing us to lose a lot of size without losing a lot of weight.

I will say that this concept is hard to wrap your mind around in the beginning because the one thing we want to do is lose weight.  Our weight is our obsession, that's what it's all about, weight, weight, weight.  We get there with our thinking and we have a tendency to stay there, but let me tell you it's a mind set, and if you allow yourself to re-set your mind, you can experience true transformation but it starts with the renewing of your mind.  Think outside of the box!  Look at it this way, we've all probably done it all with every diet, fad, program, philosophy, etc; we've been there, done that and have the tee shirts.  So, for me and David the author of Thinwalking to come along and say that you can eat without going on some crazy diet and that you can "Walk Yourself Thin" you have to think I'm crazy, but I'm not.

First let me say this like the author says in the book,  I'm no doctor, don't believe a word I say and go to your own physician before you embark upon any weight loss program, walkinuany other thing that I may say or suggest,


Now, that being said, I personally have over the last 3 months have lost inches, not necessarily weight by just changing my eating habits.  The scale has barely moved, I personally was obsessed with weighing myself EVERY DAY because the scale was where it all is, right?  I only stopped weighing in daily to keep my sanity, but by stopping with the scale obsession I continued with my changes and started noticing that I could fit clothes I haven't worn in years.  I also started hearing from people that I look differently.  I even noticed in the mirror when I would put on clothes that they look different so I know that that part of the program works.

Now it's time to Walk It Out!!  

~Lolita Jackson

"Rich people focus on opportunities, Poor people focus on obstacles....."
~T. Harv Eker

"Action is the bridge between the inner world and the outer world."
~T. Harv Eker

"But first, you must believe!"
~Peter Pan

"Well, son, I'll tell you:
Life for me ain't been no crystal stair......
So boy, don't you turn back.....
Don't you fall now~
For I'se still climbin',
And life for me ain't been no crystal stair."
~Langston Hughes

Much Love,

La La Lolita Love

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