Sunday, January 11, 2015

"Spoonful of Laughter, Prescription for Transformation!!"

January 10, 2015

Laugh:  1. to express mirth, pleasure, derision, or nervousness with an audible, vocal expulsion of air from the lungs that can rage from a loud burst of sound to a series of quiet chuckles.

Laughter:  1. the action or sound of laughing.  an expression or appearance of merriment or amusement.

Mirth:  1. gaiety or jollity, esp. when accompanied by laughter.

                                                  Anatomy of a Laugh by The Hunters

Research has shown that laughter stimulates the heart and lungs by making the heart beat faster while temporarily rising blood pressure.  Laughter releases our natural pain killers by producing more immune cells by releasing endorphins causing the body to breathe deeper while oxygenating more blood.  Additionally, your body will burn seventy-eight times as many calories as in a resting state. Our diaphragm, internal organs and facial muscles will sometimes have internal jogging by being bounced around from laughing.  Laughter relaxes the muscles and arteries easing pain, lowering blood pressure and dropping your pulse to below normal while aiding digestion.  

     A merry heart doeth good like a medicine:  but a broken spirit drieth the bones...... 
~Proverbs 17:22

I went to a comedy club tonight and laughed so hard that my face was hurting!!  It's amazing how it all happened and fit right in with where I am right now in my life on my path to finding my "Personal Legend" like Santiago in the Alchemist.  I went to see Stevie Wonder at the end of the year in 2014,  it was the first time that I had been out socially in at least a year and it felt great!!  Afterwards, I immediately called my daughter and told her what I was feeling and I also expressed how things were changing for me and I indicated that I would search for comedy clubs in Seattle and that I was going to purposefully go out and "LAUGH MY FACE OFF!" on a regular basis for my health, healing and longevity.  Well wouldn't you know it that for Christmas I received tickets to see "Tommy Davidson" on January 10, 2015. The thing is my daughter had already bought the tickets when I had called her after the Stevie Wonder concert telling her about my new revelation and plans for the upcoming year!!  When I found that out you could of peeled me off the ceiling with the joy I felt receiving that kind of confirmation letting me know that I was on the path I was supposed to be on right now at this moment in my life!!  (I could go on about that FOREVER!!!)  By the way, Tommy Davidson was hilarious, and so was the comedian before Tommy.  Did I tell you that this club had 3 floors and on each floor was big, huge flat screens showing the Seattle Seahawks smacking Cam Newton and the Panthers upside the head??

I knew back in November that if I was going to be giving up my best friend FOOD, that I would also experience loss in my life.  I knew that I would go through the steps of grief giving up food just as if I would experiencing any other trauma in my life, so I must do what I can to fill that void by being proactive by finding a new playground and new playmates and new activities to take the place of the couch and my bed.......

Additionally, I'm also taking the necessary steps to being whole and complete,  Healthy, Wealthy and Wise by starting back my "Laugh with Lolita" joke of the day text.  I started that last year and fell off.  I knew then how important laughter was to the health of the Soul and body.  I didn't take the time to research laughter back then, I just acted on  the unction.  Now, I'm doing both........

Dr. Francisco Contreras, son of the founder of the great cancer research hospital in Tijuana, Mexico says, "One bout of anger will diminish the efficiency of your immune system for six hours, but one good laugh will increase the efficiency of your immune system for twenty-four hours."  The immune system controls whether we are sick or healthy.

Q * How do you communicate with a fish?
A* You Drop it a line

Q * What is smarter than a talking bird?
A * A spelling bee

Q * What are sailors favorite fruit?
A * Naval Oranges

"Be a yardstick of quality. Some people aren't used to an environment where excellence is expected."
~Steve Jobs

"We must not, in trying to think about how we can make a big difference, ignore the small daily differences we can make which, over time, add up to big differences that we cannot foresee."
~Marian Wright Edelman

With Much Love & Laughter,


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