Monday, January 19, 2015

"Stay Optimistic!!"

January 19, 2015

Optimism:  1. a tendency to look on the more favorable side or to expect the most favorable outcome of events or conditions.  2. the belief that good will ultimately triumph over evil and that virtue will be rewarded.  3. the doctrine that the existing world is the best of all  possible worlds.  

Optimize:  1. to make as effective, perfect, or useful as possible.  2. to make the best of.  3. to write or rewrite for maximum efficiency and speed in retrieval, storage, or execution.  3. to determine the maximum or minimum values of to a set of constraints.

     "Positive thinking is not the destination; it is the journey.  An optimistic person will be constantly challenged by external circumstances as well as inner fears and doubts.  Always remember that these tests are like a ladder you must climb.  As you move past each rung, your optimism strengthens and your confidence begins to flex newly found muscle that you might never have developed otherwise."
~Montague Edwards

     "Positive thinking is a habit, like any other; we can practice it every day until it becomes second nature to us and along the way, transform our lives."
~Washington L. Crowley

     "Always think on the bright side no matter what life brings to your day.  You'll gain a treasure within your soul that no worry or hardship can ever take away."
~Isaac Purcell

     "Promise yourself to be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind.  To talk health, happiness, and prosperity to every person you meet.  To look at the sunny side of everything and make your optimism come true.  To think only of the best, to work only for the best, and to expect only the best.  To forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the greater achievements of the future.  To wear a cheerful countenance at all times and give every living creature you meet a smile..... To be too large for worry, too noble for anger, too strong for fear, and too happy to permit the presence of trouble."
~Christian D. Larson

     Being optimistic and staying optimistic can be challenging at times especially when life hits you with difficult circumstances.  I've found that it's the things we work on daily that helps us make it through the tough times that present themselves periodically.  Optimism is like a muscle, you have to work at building it up on a continual basis.  It takes practice to think positively when you're surrounded by negativity.  It takes practice to be pro-active as opposed to being re-active.  

     I think that the Seattle Seahawks gave us the best example of optimism that we could ask for.  When asked of the Coach of the Seahawks at the beginning of the week leading into the NFC Championship Playoff Game.  "What is the team going to do differently to prepare them for their upcoming game?"  Coach Pete Carroll responded by saying that they weren't going to do anything differently than what they always do.  He said that the team pushes themselves to do and be the best they can at EVERY PRACTICE!  Coach Carroll went on to say that when they leave practice they leave it all on the practice field.  The Seahawks show up to every game as if it were a playoff game or the Super Bowl, and of course it payed off on the field yesterday.  The special teams players were ready when they needed to be and with precise execution gave a stunning performance.   As for the viewers it seemed to be luck, or a miracle but for the players they were ready, they were prepared.   Russell Wilson says in his commercial, that luck is a daily grind of practice, practice and more practice.  

     Same with optimism, daily we must practice being optimistic so that when the time comes (and it will) when we're tried by fire we're prepared to put our best face forward.  When squeezed like and orange the only thing that comes out of us is orange juice!!   

It's easy to give up and be a negative, pessimistic person.  It doesn't require much thought, or work at all, usually pessimistic, negative people give you what's at the top of the dome.  But, on the other hand an optimistic person will do their best to think things through with faith and perseverance  looking on the bright side..........

Love Alwayz,


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