Monday, January 19, 2015


January 18, 2015

Loyalty:  1. the state or quality of being loyal.  2. a feeling of faithfulness or allegiance.

Loyal:  1. faithful to any person or thing conceived as deserving fidelity;  2. characterized by or showing faithfulness.

Loyalist:  1. a person who remains loyal; esp. to a sovereign or existing government.

     When I hear the word loyal, my first thought is loyalty to another person, but now as I'm embarking upon a new way of thinking and doing I'm starting to realize how important it is for me to be loyal to myself.

Now, my allegiance is to myself and to what's important for me to have a healthy body, a healthy mind and a healthy spirit.  It's important for me to set time out of my day and dedicate it to the things that are important for me to be successful.

I know that for most people we don't have any problem pledging allegiance to another person, yet when it comes to ourselves we find making a commitment to oneself challenging and for the most part most of us don't follow through with a plan of action that requires faithfulness, loyalty and a commitment that would put us on the path of growth and excellence.

If we truly commit to being loyal to ourselves than we would take whatever steps necessary to see change and the first step would be for us to maximize our time by managing our time down to the seconds of the minutes of the hours of every day.  Take full advantage of your time and get the most out of it.  For myself I've always been a very spontaneous person, now in order for me not to be scrambling around like a chicken with my head cut off I learning that I have to have a plan from one day to the next, and with that plan comes preparation.   I now prepare my meals, my snacks and I even have a lunch tote that I keep with me so that when I'm out on the go away from the house I won't even fall into divers temptation by ending up at some fast food place talking about "can I get some fries to go with that shake!!"  I now have and exercise bike in my bedroom and I know that there are several shows that I will watch that takes an hour out of my day so I now use that hour to kill two birds with one stone.

This kind of faithfulness and allegiance comes from being loyal to oneself and I must say that on a deeper level than just being loyal to ourselves, we have to first know and believe that we are worthy and deserving of being our best self.  Self worth will allow you not to feel guilty about loving yourself and wanting yourself to have the best quality of life possible.  Once we fully realize that we are worthy and deserving we will demand the best of ourselves.  We won't be reckless with our choices for our bodies, we'll come into the realization that we are created in God's image and likeness and know that our bodies are our temples and just like a brick and mortar temples will have protocol before you step onto the grounds of the place, so too does our physical temples have protocol.  We will know and understand that our bodily temples are sacred, holy and unique.  Our body sanctuaries must be revered, respected and honored.

The bible says that "Wisdom is the principle thing!" and in all thy getting, get understanding.  With understanding we'll know what is required for our temples to function.  We'll know that food is fuel for our temples, not a gateway for gluttony and abuse,  We'll know the importance of rest and exercise, the importance of taking the time to read daily and practice crossword puzzles and brain teasers to help with our mental acuity.

All of these things are important to those of us that commits to being loyal to ourselves..........  

"Deep within an dwell those slumbering powers; powers that would astonish him, that he never dreamed of possessing; forces that would revolutionize his life if aroused and put into action."
~Orison Swett Marden

""We can no more afford to spend major time on minor things than we can to spend minor time on major things."
~Jim Rohn

"The book you don't read won't help!!"
~Jim Rohn

"Learning is the beginning of wealth. Learning is the beginning of health. Learning is the beginning of spirituality.  Searching and learning are where the miracle process all begins.
~J Rohn                                                                                                                                                                      

Love Alwayz,


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