Saturday, January 31, 2015

"Be The Change You Want To See!"

January 30. 2015

Change:  1.  to make different in form.  2. to transform; to pass from one phase to another.

     I know that we've heard this saying a million times, yet as simple as the phrase seems to be, it's probably one of the most difficult to implement.  Change is what we all want but it's the action of making change that keeps us from actually changing.  Change requires making a decision and sticking by the decision that you make.

     Change also requires discipline and it's not always easy to be disciplined, but once you make your mind up to do what you're passionate about you'll start saying things like "I can't believe that it's taken me this long to get started!"

     Be the change that you want to see in order to take charge of your destiny.  Nathaniel Emmons says that "Habit is either the best of servants or the worst of masters."  

     We must challenge ourselves and set personal development goals.  Helen Keller says it best "Life is either a daring adventure or nothing."  

     "Be the one in the arena, get your face marred, strive valiantly and even if you err or come up short you're putting in the effort with great devotion.  Be the one that's not timid, or cold, be the one that our 26th President Theodore Roosevelt says in the end you know high achievement because you're the one that dares greatly!"

That my friend is what it takes to Change.......

"Nothing great will ever be achieved without great men, and men are great only if they are determined to be so.
~Charles De Gaulle

"A mighty flame followeth a tiny spark."

Love Always & Forever My Beloved,

Stay Enlightened,

Lo Lo Lita

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