Monday, January 5, 2015

"Battlefield of the Mind!"

January 4, 2015

Battlefield:  1. the field of ground in which a battle is fought.  2. an area of contention, conflict, of hostile opposition.

Battle:  1. any fight, conflict or struggle.  2. struggle, strive, to force or accomplish by fighting, struggling.

    Like the Nike slogan, "Just Do It!"  I'm finding that the only thing that's keeping me from taking the next necessary steps toward a life of health and wellness is the thoughts that are in my head.  Physically, I am fully capable of getting up out the house and going for a walk, or going to the gym and working out with weight training, or even taking two steps to the end of my bed and sit on my exercise bike and workout while watching television, yet I haven't taken the steps yet......  Why?  I ask myself.  And, the only thing that's stopping me is the battle that's going on in my head, my mind.  I could speak to all the reasons, but then I would be speaking to all the excuses.  Wayne Dwyer says it best, Excuses BEGONE........

That's where I am.  I won't allow another excuse to keep me away from the big picture.  I am on a mission.  I am a woman determined to do whatever I need to do to have the body of health and wellness by any means necessary, my very life is depending on me to do what I need to do.  I visualize it, I see it, now I have to "Just Do It!"

"Don't compromise yourself, you are all you've got." 

~Janice Joplin

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