Wednesday, January 7, 2015

"Taking Charge!!"

January 6, 2015

Taking Charge:  1. to assume control, care, or responsibility.  2. a duty or responsibility entrusted to one.  3. to suffuse as with emotion.

In Charge:  1. to assume control, care, or responsibility.  2. in command; having the care or supervision.

Suffuse:  1. to overspread with, or as if with a liquid, color, etc, pervade.

     Brendon Burchard wrote a book called "The Charge", in the book Brendon talks about the 10 human drives that make you feel alive and how to activate them.  Brendon also goes on to describe how a charged life is a lifestyle much different from most people.  Living a charged life simply means that you strategically manage your long term energy levels and that you engage your "charge level".  While most people are trying to get through life exhausted with low energy collapsing on the couch with no enthusiasm or excitement going through life day by day unable to gauge the quality of their existence.

     On the other hand a "charged" life is a life of purpose and intensity that's strategically created with inspiration, actualizing  truth and potential.  When I set my charge levels on high I assert myself to strive towards greatness fueled with raw determination to reach my destiny while overcoming insurmountable obstacles and opposition.  Living in charge challenges me to take command while assuming control, consciously in the present, not wavering or doubting but rather empowered,  attentive, engaged in full throttle pursuit with precision and laser like FOCUS........

     According to Brendon chargers are: "open and observant in the moment, future oriented, challenge seekers, deeply interested in and authentically connected with others, self reliant, creatively driven, and meaning makers."

     I met with my oncologist today to go over my numbers from my blood draw, the doctor came in the room astonished at how "remarkable" my numbers were.  According to him it's a miracle, but not to me.  Yes, I believe in miracles and I believe it's a miracle that I am alive today, however; I know and trust the God in me, the voice that says "Lolita, Take Charge of Your Life, Live Your Life Abundantly until it Overflows with Prosperity, Goodness and Health.  Lolita, Activate the 10 Human Drives that make you FEEL ALIVE!!"



"There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening, that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one you in all time, this expression is unique.  And, if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and will be lost."

~Martha Graham

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