Tuesday, January 31, 2012


January 31, 2012.......I am so stoked right now I can't hardly stand it.  At the beginning of the year I set a goals for myself and today I can say that I stay committed and faithful to carrying out the mission.  My goal was to be a walking woman that wins.  Not only am I winning, right now I am inspired to continue, finish the race, one step at a time one day at a time.  Every single day during the month of January I was able to keep up with a daily blog not knowing exactly how challenging it was going to be?

I feel as if I could do that, I can do anything.  Tonight I had a tall glass of fresh squeezed vegetable juice and you know what?  It was good, shoot, I think I will have 3 or 4 of those a day.  Because the blogging went so well, I am starting another blog, starting Feb. 1, in addition to this one.  The other blog will require the same diligence, daily input.

When I get it set up, I will let you know.  Until then, I am going to bed now.

Today was an excellent day.  Amen......

Good Night!!


"Like snowflakes, the human pattern is never cast twice.  We are uncommonly and marvelously intricate in thought and action." -----  By Alice Childress, writer

"Simplicity makes me happy!!"  ----- By Alicia Keys

"I Am Here!!"

January 30, 2012.....

I have been heavily engrossed in the launching of a Leadership Academy with my son and a dear friend lately.  I am extremely excited about the prospect of seeing these eager little beavers at the elementary school step up to be the future leaders of tomorrow.  They will be lead by our high school students in an after school mentoring/tutoring program.  I heard a song today that had me think about what I'm doing with these children in this program?  I started to think about whether I would be making a difference in their lives?  (or not)  And just how much of an impact my life is making? 

I love to help people sometimes to a fault.  I always go for the under dog, and don't mess with one of my children, it doesn't matter if I gave birth to you or not, once I adopt you, you're mine.  I look at the students that are going to be participating in the Leadership Academy.  I love all of these kids so much.  I know that I am truly blessed to be in their presence.  I have the privilege and honor to be in the company of a very diverse group of students that want to make a difference and that is so powerful and dynamic that these kids want to make an impact in the lives of their younger brothers and sisters.

I used to run from moments like this.  It used to be that if I didn't get support, I would quit, knowing that God had given me an awe inspiring idea.  I remember that I had an idea to give shoes away to people that needed them.  I had a name for the non-profit, I had the business plan and everything.  I went to my first potential board meeting and I'll never forget one of the men laughed at me.  This was back in 1998, I remember leaving there thinking maybe I was wrong about seeing a wear house full of shoes going around the world to little children that needed them.  Maybe I will just start collecting a few shoes here and there and I will give them out at Thanksgiving with a food basket and that would be good enough.  Well, that wasn't good enough.  The vision was cast from God to put shoes on the feet of young children that needed them.  I was told to go, by any means necessary.  Failure should not have been an option for me, yet I didn't see further than the laugh.  Consequently, Blake Mycoskie did.  Blake, took the idea of putting a pair of shoes on needy children's feet and turned it into a multi-million dollar business.  His wear house if full of shoes going all over the world.  Today, I will never turn my back on a God inspired idea or vision.  The Leadership Academy will launch tomorrow, laugh or not, support or not.  Blake says for us to start something that matters, my hope and prayer from my son and myself if that what we're doing matters.  We hope that a little child will have a God given idea and will believe that they can do anything they dream of doing!!

I want to share this song with you tonight, the night before the launch of:

"Club F.R.E.S.H. Minority Leadership Academy" (Future Relevant Empowered Students of Honor)

By Beyonce.........."I Was Here"

"I wanna leave my footprints on the sands of time.  Know there was something that, and something that I left behind.  When I leave this world, I'll leave no regrets.  Leave something to remember, so they won't forget.  I was here.  I lived.  I loved.  I was here.  I did.  I've done, everything that I wanted.  And it was more than I thought it would be.  I will leave my mark so everyone will know, I was here.  I want to say I lived each day, until I die.  And know that I meant something in somebody's life.  The hearts I have touched, will be the proof that I leave.  That I made a difference, and this world will see.  I was here.  I lived.  I loved.  I was here.  I did.  I've done, everything that I wanted.  And it was more than I thought it would be.  I will leave my mark so everyone will know.  I was here.  That I gave my all, did my best, brought someone to happiness.   Left this world a little better just because,  I AM HERE!!!"

"Our Deepest Fear is not that we are inadequate.  Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.  We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?  Actually, who are you not to be?  You are a child of God.  Your playing small does not serve the world.  There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you.  We are all meant to shine, as children do.  We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.  It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone.  And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.  As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."  -----------      By Marianne Williamson  (most famous from Nelson Mandela}

My Dearest Students--I Am Proud Of You!!!  You Are Leaders!!


Sunday, January 29, 2012

"In The Middle of It"

January 29, 2012......

Not long ago I had a moment in my life that was rare.  I was caught on tape testifying if you will.  Well, one of the things that seemed to weigh heavy on me was that I would continue to give thanks and praise to God in the middle of the storm.  I kept repeating, "in the middle of it."  Right now I want to echo those sentiments.  I woke up this morning and it seemed as if my thighs were rubbing together and bigger than what they normally are, now I would have to ask myself "how could that be?"  I've been working out, I haven't stuck to a regimen nutritionally but I am working on it.  I know I haven't been walking as much as I could have, toward the end of the month I let other things get in the way of me, however; I know that I've done enough to show some kind of a difference. Any other time if I had of awakened to thighs rubbing against each other I probably would have rolled over, called out the calvary and cried me a river.  I didn't do that today, instead I came up with a plan of action on how to eliminate that problem.  I had to think of the things that I haven't incorporated into my wellness plan.  I know that I haven't done any strength training, I haven't picked up any resistance bands, I haven't done not one lunge, gotten into one swimming pool, walked up or down one major hill.  This last past month, I've been playing powder puff football.

 It's time to get out on the field and take one for the team.  It's time for me to get a little dirty, dirty!!  It's time to hit the bricks, get into that gym and get in.

 It's been 30 days, and I do feel good.  I brought in the New Year the way that I wanted and January, 2012 has been a good month for me, bringing a good start to the year!!  I can't wait till February!!!

"The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential......these are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence."  --By Eddie Robinson, Grambling University Football Coach


"W.O.W. Words of Wisdom!!"

January 28, 2012......

"There is no such force as the force of a man determined to rise.  The human soul cannot be permanently chained."  --By W.E.B. Du Bois

"Utopia is what the imagination of man has to say about the possibilities of the human spirit." ------By Howard Thurman

"Every small, positive change we can make in ourselves repays us in confidence in the future.  By Alice Walker

"The thing is to never deal yourself out...Opt for the best possible hand.  Play with verve and sometimes with abandon, but at all times with calculation."  --L. Douglas Wilder

"I've always believed that if you put in the work, the results will come.  I don't do things half-heartedly.  Because if I do, then I can expect half-hearted results."  --By Michael Jordan

"God makes three requests of his children: Do the best you can, where you are, with what you have, now."  ---African American Folklore

"Words are nothing but words; power lies in deeds. Be a man of action." --- By Mamado Kouyate

"There is absolute magic in this being called Black--splendor and purpose in every single cell.  For within us are the genetics of the warrior, who steps boldly into the future, and the connection of family that binds us together with love. There is unlimited power and innate intelligence in the very soul that drives us." ---Joseph McClendon III

"It is my belief that the younger children know they're leaders, are told they are leaders, the earlier they will step into their roles as leaders to show they're leaders."  ---By Lolita Jackson

"Loving you more than forever, and forever more I'll always love you...."  By Lolita Jackson

Friday, January 27, 2012

"My Soul Says Yes!!"

Jaenuary 27, 2012.......Have you ever felt like everything around you was falling apart, yet at the same time you feel a connection to something that you can't see that let's you know you're on the right track and to hold on.  That's what's going on with me right now.  There are areas in my life that seems as if they're being ripped apart at the seems.  I mean ripped, shredded, and then put inside a paper shredder and ripped some more.  (I'm speaking of my finances) However, there's other areas that let's me know I am on the right road.  I'm finding peace in the middle of the storm.  I don't mean that kind of peace that you see on t.v. the kind of peace where you're sitting with your legs crossed, like Buddah, and you're chanting, meditating and the atmosphere smells like incense. (Hey, maybe I should try it?)  Not that kind of peace.  That's that real peace, you know that peace that surpasses all understanding.  I'm talking the kind of peace that is, it's falling apart, the sky literally is falling, I've done everything that I know to do, can do, and I have to keep it moving......I can only give it 15 minutes.  I have a philosophy that I do a pretty good job of sticking to and that is, if its a bad thing, or whatever; I give it 15 minutes, that's it, that's all.  It doesn't always be like that, but it generally is.  I can't give too much more of me over to anymore than 15 minutes.

Today I was in the book store for one thing, then I came across a book that's a journal about a couple who found creative ways to chart their course on the path to wellness.  They felt the necessity to journal every day like I'm doing with my blogging, and they started writing down everything, what they were eating, the exercises they started doing, the journal is amazing because it gives me a place to log my progression.  It's let's me know that I am on the right track.  I didn't get the words out of my mouth good from this morning and  voila! Confirmation!!  Then I find another book about communicating with my soul and how to open up my spirit woman and having the ability to find fulfillment in healing not only the body, but the mind and the spirit.  He talks about transformation.  I had just said on my last blog that I don't dwell on the past, that I stay in the now, yet I know that I make reference to the past in order to learn from it and not repeat it.  This other book talked about that very thing almost verbatum.  He made mention of the past being a way to show us how to come into the now and how to use tools for change so that we don't repeat the past.

I don't know about you but that's some fascinating stuff.  Especially since I just just talked about this very thing then to walk into the store to find guidance, and words of wisdom as an accompaniment to better equip me as I journey on this road less traveled to health, wellness, prosperity of the mind, body and soul.......

Thursday, January 26, 2012


January 26, 2012........

I received a confirmation today that it is time to cleanse my body, mind and soul.  In order to do that I must first start with my body.  I have been talking a lot lately about juicing, detoxing and purging my system of all toxins.  I know that I can't just talk about it any longer.

I watched a show today about a lady who had an incurable disease and she had to make the tough decision to pull out all the stops for her to be healed.  She talked about the difficulty of cleansing her system, cutting out all of the foods that she had come to love.  This particular lady didn't have a weight problem, she just didn't always eat the right foods.  She was diagnosed with an incurable disease, she felt she had no alternative but to eat raw, healthy foods.  I watched her eyes as she recalled the purging process her body went through, it looked as if she agonized.  Yet, like so many other stories I've heard about people who dared to walk the road less traveled to health and wellness, it was worth every drop of vegetable juice and every bite of a carrot or two.  She did say that eventually, her body started to respond to the good, fresh foods that she was putting in her system and she healed her body, consequently her mind and spirit were by products of a healthy body.

 You know the saying happy wife, happy life, well, I believe, happy body, happy life.

Here's drinking to you kid!!  Today I toast to the future.  I look forward toward the purging process.

Cleanse: 1. to make clean.  2. to remove by or as if by cleaning.

Purge: 1. to rid of impurities; cleanse; purify.  2. the removal or elimination of.  3. to clear or empty.

"Dipped in chocolate, bronzed with elegance, enameled with grace, toasted with beauty. My Lord, she is a Black Woman!!"  -- by Yosef Ben-Jochannan, Historian

"Excellence is to do a common thing in an uncommon way."---by Booker T. Washington, Educator

Today I will listen to the beatings of my heart. I will become what I am destined to become.----       by Dennis Kimbro




January 25, 2012.........

I  woke up about an hour ago and wondered "what happened?"  A few minutes ago it was yesterday, I know I logged in under January 25, but today, this morning is January 26.  I came home last night, crawled in my bed and didn't move again til 5am.  I did nothing remotely close to taking care of my own personal needs yesterday.  In trying to stay balanced, I know that I must also stay focused.  Yesterday, everything and everyone was a priority.  This will be the last time I take a current day and focus on a yesterday.  I believe in the power of today, the here and now, yet I can't dismiss yesterday as if it didn't happen.  It's understanding yesterday, that will help me with today.

It really is coming down to being able to manage my time better. I must take the time that I do have and put Lolita on the appointment book.

"Strive. Wait. Pray. Be proud. Try to find your outer limits, and don't worry about falling on your face."  --Percy Sutton

Today I will start with this quote:

"I am your constant companion.  I am your greatest helper or heaviest burden.  I will push you onward or drag you down to failure.  I am completely at your command.  Half the things you do you might just as well turn over to me and I will be able to do them quickly and correctly.  I am easily managed--you must merely be firm with me.  Show me exactly how you want something done and after a few lessons I will do it automatically.  I am the servant of all great men; and alas, of all failures, as well.  Those who are great, I have made great.  Those who are failures, I have made failures.  I am not a machine, though I work with all the precision of a machine plus the intelligence of a man.  You may run me for profit or run me for ruin--it makes no difference to me.  Take me, train me, be firm with me, and I will place the world at your feet.  Be easy with me and I will destroy you.  Who am I?  I am habit!!"   ---Anonymous


Wednesday, January 25, 2012

"Thank You"

January 24, 2012.........Today I want to take time to say "Thank You!!"   Usually, I take the time to say thank you one way or another.  Yet, there are other times that I feel a special urge to reach out and give an additional thank you just because I feel it in my heart, times when I just want to say thank you to God, or the universe, the flowers for smelling so good, or the birds for the songs that they sing.  Tonight, I am saying thank you to the wind for setting a cozy stage for my husband and I.  I love the sound of the wind blowing, the feel of fresh, crisp, cold air blowing in through the window while we snuggle under the covers with a heated throw blanket, a nice pair of fresh new footies on my feet, and a nice big comforter on top of us, ooh wee!!!  For that, I feel extra grateful......I am thankful that I am able to walk out my door and go for a walk today, thank you..

.I had a meeting today and when I walked into the office there was classical music playing in the background, thank you. I received a phone call from someone that I love and adore yesterday, a person I consider a friend, she called just to say hello, thank you.  Someone told me today that every time I walk in the room I come in with a smile on my face, thank you.

 Oh yeah, the fresh cozy little footies I put on tonight were a gift given to me from a friend a couple of days ago, thank you.  I have a friend that I am able to call who is smart, intelligent, full of wisdom and knowledge, yet when I call her she takes time out of her life and make me feel like I am smart, intelligent and full of wisdom, for that, an extra thank you, boo.

I could go on and on, especially when I feel like this, so, today, I say....."Thank You."

"Well done, beats well said" ---Anonymous


Monday, January 23, 2012

"Excuses No More!!"

January 23, 2012.......Have you ever wanted something so bad that you can taste it?  I don't like where I am right now.  I would love to have all of these fuzzy words, and fuzzy sayings with fuzzy words of wisdom, but I don't today.  I wish I could say right now that I have this whole thing figured out and I have been walking every day since the beginning of the year and life is some big bowl of cherries, it's not!!  I look in the mirror and I want my weight gone today, presto, poof be gone weight like magic abracadabra, right?  Wrong?  It's not gone and in order for it to go anywhere I have a lot of work to do.  I think I'm really in my feelings today because life is happening all around me and it feels like I am slipping away from me, vacation is over, back to the drawing board, more demands being put on me and I am starting to put Lolita off again.  Bottom line I am coming up with excuses in my head as to why I haven't walked in two days.  First, I am bringing in the weight equipment and my exercise bike from outside, then I am exhausted.  Truth is, just excuses.

 I have to set my alarm clock up now and put me first on my list of priorities like I've stated in the past.  So, tomorrow I am going to approach this whole thing a little differently.  I will wake up intentionally at least an hour before I would normally wake up and try to manage my time down to the hour and see what happens.   It started out okay in the beginning, blogging at night after I had gotten in a late night walk, however; I found that I wasn't going to bed until 2 or 3 in the morning.  It's caught up with me now.  My days were being cut into and that didn't allow me much time during the day to keep up.  It's becoming overwhelmingly difficult to maintain and what is the first thing to suffer and be put on the back burner?  You guessed it, Lolita.....

I refuse to allow that to happen.  I will commit to trying another approach keeping in mind that I need to relax and be patient with myself.  I know that I want it all and I want it all now but I will remind myself again that the race isn't given to the swift but to the one who endures til the end.

"The hell to be endured hereafter, of which theology tells, is no worse than the hell we make for ourselves in this world by habitually fashioning our characters in the wrong way.....We are spinning our own fates, good or evil......"  --by William James

"I know of no more encouraging fact than the unquestionable ability of man to elevate his life by a conscious endeavor."  --by Henry David Thoreau


January 22, 2012.......

Peace: 1. freedom from war.  2. a state of harmony between people or groups; freedom from dissension.  3. freedom from civil commotion.  4. freedom from anxiety, annoyance, or other mental disturbance.  5. a state of tranquility or serenity.  6. silence; stillness  7. at peace, non belligerence......

Tranquil: 1. free from commotion or tumult; peaceful; quiet; calm.  2. unaffected by disturbing emotions; serene; placid.

Tumult: 1. violent and noisy commotion or disturbance of a crowd or mob; uproar.  2. a general outbreak, riot, uprising, or other disorder.  3. highly distressing agitation of mind or feeling; turbulent mental or emotional disturbance. 

Placid:  1. pleasantly calm or peaceful; tranquil.

Serene: 1. calm, peaceful, tranquil.  2. most high......

God Grant Me The Serenity To Accept The Things I Cannot Change, The Courage To Change The Things I Can, And The Wisdom To Know The Difference....

Be Still And Know That He Is God........



Sunday, January 22, 2012


January 21, 2012........

Vitality:  1. exuberant physical or mental vigor:  2. capacity for survival or for the continuation of a meaningful or purposeful existence:  3. power to live or grow.  4. vital force or principle.

Rejuvenate:  1. to restore to youthful vigor, appearance, etc; make young again.  2. to restore to a former state; make fresh or new again.  3. to undergo rejuvenation.

Restore:  1. to bring back into existence, use, or the like; reestablish:  2. to bring back to a former, more desirable condition:  3. to bring back to a state of health, soundness, or vigor.

Vigor:  1. active strength or force; intensity; energy.  2. healthy physical or mental energy or power; vitality.  3. healthy growth in any living matter or organism.

When I started out on my journey to be a "Walking Woman that Wins"  I had no idea that I was going to find myself having so many twists and turns on this road to health and longevity.  Some days up, some days down.  Some days in, and some days out.  Some days cold, and yes, some days hot or not.  The interesting thing is that I also decided to blog about it in hopes of keeping myself accountable and focused.  I have to admit that I enjoy the nuances that have come with blogging and walking while trying to be healthy and well so that I can live a long, yet prosperous life.

I must admit that I enjoy keeping writing in this blog.  I didn't realize how therapeutic this would be for me.  I look forward to being able to say to my immediate family that I have to blog.  They can see now that I am serious about what I'm doing and that it requires me to be able to shut out the rest of the world and spend some quality time with my thoughts in order to formulate that which I wish to convey night after night.  If for no other reason I have an excuse for at least thirty minutes to an hour to do Lolita.  This gives me time for reflection.  I take this time to hit the pause button and take a few breaths, inhale & exhale.....

Today marks my 3 week anniversary!!  I've been consistently putting one foot in front of the other over these last few weeks and I must say that I have nothing to complain about.  I started 2012 just the way I wanted to and I'm carrying out my resolution full and in effect.   I chose the topic rejuvenate today because by allowing ourselves to take time out for ourselves we can rejuvenate our bodies and minds to the depths of our souls.  We will see a complete transformation occur within us when we  allow the rejuvenation process to happen.  We will see restoration starting to take place slowly but surely.  I'm beginning to feel fresh and anew.  I would love to restore my body and my mind with youthful exuberance, vitality and strength.  I will continue with vigor, while I challenge myself to grow and blossom in the middle of winter.  I think that anytime we push ourselves we can't help but have that sense of accomplishment when we see that even though we're not where we want to be, we're definitely not where we used to be.

I've given myself marching orders, and I will continue to march on!!

"Why hesitate?  Upon the plains of hesitation are the bleached bones of countless millions, who on the threshold of victory sat down to wait, and in waiting they died.-----Author Unknown

I will live and not die......esp; not waiting-----by Lolita Jackson

To thine self be true......

Love Alwayz,


Saturday, January 21, 2012


January 20, 2012........Brilliant:  1. shining brightly; sparkling; glittering.  2. distinguished; outstanding.  3. having or showing great intelligence, talent, etc.  4. strong and clear in tone; vivid; bright.  5. splendid or magnificent: a gem............

Today, I didn't walk out in my neighborhood, particularly because we are sitting on the heels of a major snow storm.  Today the inclement weather was such that it caused much trepidation at the thought of getting out and walking in it.  Instead, I got in a pretty good workout by shoveling more snow, this time the snow was heavy from water weight due to rain falling on top of it.  My neighbors were out in full force today helping with the shoveling of the snow and continuing to dig cars out of the snow.

As I began to contemplate about the topic for today the word "Brilliant" came to mind.  I was thinking about how much I like the word and how nice it would be to be considered as a brilliant person and looked upon as  a brilliant person from my family and friends.  Wouldn't it be nice to have someone say to you that when they hear the word brilliant that they would immediately have your name or the image of you would come to their minds.  So, what I have decided to do is to tell myself that I am brilliant, and to share the word brilliant with you, and to tell you that you are brilliant, and when I think of you I think of how brilliant you are!!  I believe that we should spend more time taking the time out of our busy days to tell someone else just how much they mean to us and offer them our words of encouragement and inspiration.  And, if we aren't fortunate enough to be the recipient of such wonderful, brilliant beautiful words of encouragement or inspiration then we should tell ourselves what we want someone else to tell us!!

Have you ever sent yourself a text?  I have. Yes, I have.  My husband would send me texts and I would look forward to receiving his texts.  I would smile at the words of encouragement and just the feel good feelings of anticipation knowing that I was going to receive a text sooner or later at some point during the course of my day.  Well, on the days that I didn't receive my texts for whatever reason I didn't want the feel good good to stop.  I wanted to carry that over into my day even if I had to initiate the texts myself, so I tried it and it worked.  Shoot, I got my little fingers to moving and the next thing you know I was receiving a text that said

 "Hey Boo, Good Morning Beautiful. My Brilliant Queen shining like a diamond gem exquisitely cut to perfection.  I couldn't wait to wake up this morning to tell you just how special you are and that I had you in my dreams all night long....I hope you have a wonderful day with your fine self.  Ooh Wee!  Girl you better stop what you do to me before you make me come through this phone and well, you know.  Miss Lovely La La you be good today and I will be talking with you later."  

Ha Ha, I had you going didn't I.  It's the truth anyhow.  I did send myself texts like that on a regular basis and I continue to do that.  We all want to hear it and if we don't have someone telling us those words then we need to tell it to ourselves!!

I implore you to discover your brilliance.  What is it about you that is so unique that it sets you apart from all the rest?  How do you define your brilliance?  What is it that you do effortlessly?  What is that people marvel at about you?  Think on those things.......Take time for discovery.......

Your level of brilliance will determine the size of your opportunities in life.....--anonymous

Take Care,


Friday, January 20, 2012

"Awaken The Giant Within"

January 19, 2012........"Awaken The Giant Within" is the title of a book by Anthony Robbins that I pull off the shelf probably about once a month hoping that I will be inspired and encouraged to awaken the giant inside of me.  For the most part the giant awakes, then goes right back to sleep again.  That has been happening throughout my life.

I'm happy to report that the giant is awake now and roaring!!!  I love me today!!  I have so much possible turmoil that comes along every single day that tries to pull me down and turn me around in the opposite direction to where I see myself ending up.  But today I keep it moving one way or another.  I'm feeling the fear of success and I'm doing it anyway.  I'm listening to the calm, still, quiet inner voice inside of me, without the television and yes even without music, the voice that's speaking health not sickness, encouragement not discouragement, love not hate, peace not war, prosperity not poverty.  I'm finding a way to come into my own while walking into myself.  If I don't like sitting in the comforts of my own home with just me, then heck, no one else will.

Walking is allowing me to get out and enjoy the out of doors.  Smell the oxygen that I'm breathing.  I know you think that you can't smell oxygen, but you can....I encourage you to get out, take a walk, shovel some snow, clean the cabinets, spring clean in the winter!!!!  Look at winter as it is upon us and find the beauty that nature shares with us daily.  It has snowed here for the last 5 days and  being outside in the winter can be just as glorious as the spring and summer.  Today I enjoyed the snowmen that were on peoples lawns.  Neighbors were out helping one another get their cars from being stuck in the snow.  I went out again today and shoveled  not only my front porch but I shoveled 4 of my neighbors front porches, as well as their parking areas, shoot I was feeling so good that I went down to the main entrance of our parking area and shoveled there also.  My dog played in the snow, tried to bite snowballs that kept smashing on his face, he didn't care with his crazy self, he was trying to catch snowballs (that was some funny business)........

Love the life you've been blessed with.  Awaken The Giant Within!!!

"Deep within man dwell those slumbering powers; powers that would astonish him, that he never dreamed of possessing; forces that would revolutionize his life if aroused and put into action."  -- by Orison Swett Marden

Tap into the unlimited power that lies sleeping within you.  Let it slumber no more.
-by Anthony Robbins

Take Care,


Thursday, January 19, 2012


January 18, 2012.......Well, Well, Well, I did it yall!!!  I Raised Up & started walking again today!!  Heyyy!!!
(So How U Doin?)  (Shout out to my girl Wendy....)  It was nice.  I went for a walk today in the snow around the golf course on the trail.  I enjoyed good company with a friend of mine as we walked and talked, shared a few things with one another, It felt good.  However; I took off out of here without stretching again and while I was walking in the snow my legs were carrying some extra weight, my muscles were straining because they weren't used to moving in the manner required to maneuver through that deep snow today.  I had to stop a couple of times to stretch my quads.  It was a bit of a nuisance to say the least.  But, I made it through.  I even shoveled some snow today for about 45 minutes, quite a work out.  I didn't do the eating plan that I thought I would start today, but I did eat moderately and nutritionally.  I'm pleased.  Today I walked for about 45 minutes......

So, because I am feeling so good, I will share another song fit for the occasion......Yep, you guessed it, Ledisi....."Bravo!!"

"I gotta new walk and a new point of view, a new purpose for everything I do.  I gotta new rule on me, real folks around me.  If you're wondering, I'm about to tell you now, see it's the same pretty face but a brand new smile, same Lolita but she ain't walking she's flying!!!  New game making big moves, if love found me it could surely find you.  Say ayyyye, I don't even have one sad tear left in me.  Ayyyy......All I really want is to see the whole world stand up tonight, yeahh, we're celebrating life!!  It don't matter who you are, yeah if you've been workin hard, give yourself a round of applause!!!  Bravo-o-o yeah!! Bravo-o-o yeah!!  There ain't a wrong time or a wrong place to flaunt.  Say what they want, just let them try.  I don't listen to them.  Let me tell you why?  Lolita is the same pretty face, but a brand new smile....she is not walking she is flying!!  New game making big moves.  If love found me it'll surely find you.  Ladies put your best dress on!  Get your hair done!  Do it real big!  It's a celebration!  Fellows come on every one, let me hear you clap now if this is your joint, I ain't even got one sad tear left in me.  Yeah, all I really want is to see the whole world stand up tonight, we're celebrating life, no matter who you are.  If you've been working hard give yourself a round of applause!!!  Bravo-o-oh!!!"

It's Amazing Right?  How one cd can give out all that this cd has given.  This is the female anthem for 2011/12......It's not over either.  There's more.  I wish I could meet Ledisi personally to let her know just how much these songs mean to me and how inspired I have been by listening to them.  The lyrics are amazing, but you have to hear the music.  OMG!!!!  Your head will be bopping, fingers will be popping.  I listen to it at least 20 times per day since I first got the cd.

Let's give ourselves a round of applause when we take the necessary steps to move in the direction we want to go.  We don't always have to make moves that would move a mountain, but if we just keep applying ourselves, eventually we will move that mountain.  How do you eat an elephant?  One bite at a time.....

"Discipline yourself to do the things you need to do when you need to do them, and the day will come when you will be able to do the things you want to do when you want to do them!"  --by Zig Ziglar.....

"The secret to success is to learn to accept the impossible, to do without the indispensable, and to bear the intolerable." ---Nelson Mandela......

Take Care,


Wednesday, January 18, 2012

"Raise Up!!"

January 17, 2012.......Well, I did it!!  I took my measurements and I weighed myself......Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!

I think that momentarily, I'm in a state of shock!!  Now I know that I said that I would post my measurements, but shoot, that was before I took them.  I don't know what to do right now.  The more I type, the more I am thinking, Hell Naw!!! Ain't No Way!!! Man u done stepped on my J's (my J's right now is my pride, my ego, my embarrassment!!)  WTF.........Really?  Really Homie, Really!!  Yes Maam........You do weigh 224 lbs. ( I can't believe I just said that, but "F" it, I did).  And, my measurements are as follows:  Chest: 45, Waist: 40, Hips: 48, Thighs: 45 together, R-Thigh 30, L-Thigh 30, Arms L-15, R-15, Neck 15, Head 24.5.............There you go, all my skeletons (weight) right out in the middle of the fraganackle street.  Man O' Man.

As disheartening as it all is, I'm encouraged tonight.  At least I'm telling myself that I'm encouraged tonight.  My Pastor used to always say "sometimes you got to encourage yourself", that's what I am trying to do.  I haven't walked in 5 days.  I keep looking out the window at the beautiful outdoors thinking that I need to go out there, I need to walk, but, I haven't.  Am I stuck?  Probably, for a second or two.  I am trying to find balance inside of myself.  I am at the place where I am alone.  It is just me.  No one pushing me like I seen on the biggest loser tonight.  I even seen one guy quit and go home and I was sitting in my bed thinking "why did you quit?"  "Somebody grab him, don't let him go".  A part of me feels like I quit...........

I knew yesterday that I was past the "my body is exhausted stuff".  I knew that I needed to pick right back up. I don't have pitty parties, that I don't do.  This is where I have to find the strength to forge ahead.  I am at the place where failure is not an option and I have to do whatever it takes even if it means that after I write in this blog tonight I will get up and go walking in the middle of the night.

Tomorrow I plan on starting with my nutritional part of my lifestyle change.  I found a menu plan that I am going to try and see how that works for me.  It seems to have all the right ingredients right down to calories being counted and menus designed for the day and week.  I'll tell you how that works for me.

I have another song that I would like to share with you.  And yes you guessed it!!  How did you know?  It's by Ledisi, called "Raise Up!!"

"I'm looking around and I see more of the same.  People looking for purpose, someone to blame.  As I'm on my quest for fame, every day the places change, as they humble trying to play the game.  I figured it out, my dreams are bigger than me.  Been taken much further than I thought I would be.  I'm so glad that I believe that God has plans for me.  Mama told me it will happen, you'll see.  Time for you to raise up!  Time for you to get right!  Time for you to get up!  Time for you to be loud!  Time for you to raise up!  Get up! Stand Up! Raise up!  You gotta know who you are.  You are meant for a purpose.  What is meant for you is meant to be.  You are meant to be.  I couldn't move forward til' I let go of the past.  I needed my freedom, I needed it bad. If we all could just forgive, it's the only way to live.  I have more now than I ever had.  There is a path and it is written for you.  Take your time to find the truth.  What do you have to lose?  It's time for you to choose.  No one else can do it for you.  Time for you to raise up!  Time for you to get right!  Time for you to get up!  Time for you to be loud!  Time for you to raise up!  Get up! Stand Up! Raise Up!  When judgment day comes, have you given your best?  Has the world been changed by the love that you left?  Forgive those who trespassed against you.  Rise through the pain, let it go!  What happened is done.  It's time to live again!!"

That's the truth.com

I'll take those words and stand on them.  I will raise up, I know that my dreams are bigger than me.  I'm learning who I am in the process of letting go of the past.  It's time for me to choose knowing that no one else can do it for me.  Ledisi, I thank you for your cd.  It truly has been my motivation!!

"To get to the top actually, you must first get to the top mentally" ---by Chris Widener



Monday, January 16, 2012

"Mirror, Mirror On The Wall"

January 16, 2012......So, I got out and started walking, walking & walking, particularly because I knew that I needed to just start to move.  Well, that's all well and good, but that's not enough.  Not where I want to go.  I want to be healthy.  Bottom line, clinically I'm considered OBESE.  Morbidly OBESE.  Really?  Really Boo Boo!!  That's not cute!!  That's not what's up!!  That's not SEXXXY!!  That's not HOT!!!  That my Dear Little Miss Princess Lolita, is not okay........(Real Talk)

I knew that I would have to look into that mirror and see myself looking back at me.  You know my real self, the Lolita that will tell Lolita the truth.  In order for this whole thing to work and make any good common sense, I would have to address the nutritional aspect of my program and goal to be a "Walking Woman that Wins."  I will have to stand on the scale, see exactly what I weigh, measure myself and see how round I am everywhere and then start counting calories, reading labels, taking the time to prepare my meals, measure my food, etc;  It's time for me to put in the work.  Just thinking about it causes trepidation.  Will I take it on?  You know I will.  When is the optimum question?  In true Lolita fashion, I will go for it later on tonight and I will share my measurements with you.  I feel that will be important to share where I am on the road to where I want to go.  So that when I get there, it won't be some big secret.  I will bring my skeletons out of the closet of weight and lay them down right in the middle of the street for everyone to see.

I want to share another song tonight by a rapper that I admire for his talent. He has a song out right now with Bruno Mars that I just can't get enough of.   Lil Wayne will speak to us tonight............"Mirror"

"With everything happening today, you don't know whether you're coming or going.  But you think that you're on your way.  Life lined up on the mirror don't blow it.  Look at me when I'm talking to you.  You looking at me, but I'm looking through you.  I see the blood in your eyes, I see the love in disguise.  I see the pain hidden in your pride.  I see you're not satisfied, and I don't see nobody else.  I see myself!  I'm looking at the Mirror on the wall, here we are again.  Through my rise and fall, you've been my only friend.  You told me that they can understand the woman I am.  So, why are we here talkin' to each other again?  Uh, I see the truth in you lies.  I see nobody by your side, but I'm with you when you are all alone, and you correct me when I'm looking wrong.  I see the guilt beneath the shame.  I see your soul through your window pain.  I see the scars that remain.  I see you Lolita, I'm looking at the Mirror on the wall, here we are again.  Through the rise and fall.  You've been my only friend.  You told me that they can understand the woman I am.  They can understand, So, why are we here?  Misunderstood, talkin' to each other again?  Looking at me now I can see my past.  Damn, I look just like my fucking DAD.  Light it up, that's smoke in mirrors.  I even look good in the broken mirror!!  I see my momma's smile, that's a blessing.  I see change.  I see the message, and no message could've been any clearer.  So, I'm startin' with the Woman In The Mirror........"

If you're satisfied with just getting by, step aside for the person who isn't! ---A. G. Gaston



"Be Good To Yourself"

January 15, 2012........Today I wanted to share another song with you because I have this CD that just moves me from the beginning to the end.  Everyday I think "what song do I want to share today?"  That's how good the cd is.  Of course you already know that I am speaking of the Ledisi cd "Pieces of Me."  However; I was torn because I couldn't wait until today that marked my two week journey on the road to wellness and I wanted to share the perfect song that would of spoken to that crucial milestone, but I don't feel right sharing that particular song today.  I am going to share a different song today because today I am feeling more like I have to hold on.  When I say hold on, I mean hold on.  I am not there yet.  I knew that going in, on this road, this journey.  I knew that it wouldn't be easy.  If it was, I would of done it already.  So, it's day number 3 that I haven't walked.  My body stopped moving.  I was tired, I mean I was literally exhausted!!  I didn't want to stop because I also know me well enough to know that if I stop, then I might not have what it takes to keep it moving again.  I couldn't let myself slow down, even though I knew that I had to slow down,  What a dichotomy right?  So, I sloooowwwed down.  I'm not back up yet.  Do I beat myself up?  Will I get back out there?  What am I going to do?

First thing I'm going to do is "Be good to myself"  I refuse to beat myself up about it.  I will remind myself of what it is that I want to accomplish and keep putting one foot in front of the other.  That's what I am going to do.........So, with that being said, here's my toast to me, and you.  We will be good to ourselves.  Let's not be defined by what we will or won't do, can or can't do.  Let's stay focused and know who the race is given to, the one who endures til the end.

   "Be good to yourself.  Sometimes we don't listen, to what we already know.  Take time to hear me, cause you've got to be told.  So busy looking for love, like you don't know your worth.  Get it together, even when it hurts.  You gotta be good to yourself, yeah, be good to yourself.  You can't wait on nobody else, no one else.  Baby be good to yourself.  Oh, you can't love nobody else, oh, you can't love nobody else.  Some days you feel like running from everyone you know.  The things that you thought might be right now, it ain't necessarily so.  So much on my mind, need a break from it all.  To get myself together, so I don't fall.  Gotta be good to yourself.  Be good to yourself.  You can't wait on nobody else, Lolita.  No one else.  Oh, you can't love nobody else.  Oh, when you're traveling, through the highs and the lows.  Make sure you listen to your spirit, you gotta take care of your soul.  Hold on, never give up!!  You can get through whatever, always make time for yourself, whoo...You Gotta Be Good To Yourself!!  You keep looking for the love from somebody else.  You gotta find it from within.  Be Good To Yourself!!"

I am learning to love Lolita.  That hasn't come easy for me, finding value in myself and considering myself worthy of love, self love, that's the key.  It feels good yall (like the Neely's say).

I found every single successful person I've ever spoken to had a turning point.. The turning point was when they made a clear, specific unequivocal decision that they were not going to live like this anymore; they were going to achieve success.  Some people make that decision at 15 and some people make it at 50, and most people never make it at all......by Brian Tracy



Sunday, January 15, 2012


January 14, 2012..........."WALK" lyrics by Tyrese

"Forgive me, 'cause I come to you more than I give back. Why am I on my knees praying yet again? Asking for more and more and more, without recognizing the blessings I've already received. So, now I say to you Father God.......Thank You!! People are inspired by your transparency. Your walk is way more inspiring than your talk with God....WALK....I ask God for clarity so that he can reveal things to you that you would never be able to see with your own eyes. God will never give you something somebody else is supposed to have. So your jealousy and envy and insecurities about somebody else's blessings shouldn't be,  because it ain't yours......WALK......I bet everything on my wedding ring. I'm married to God. So therefore our marriage is work in progress. Faith is climbing invisible stairs. I pray that God blesses me to find comfort in discomfort. Give me strength to walk into the unfamiliar. You should always expect the things that you accept from people. If I accept your disrespect then it's expected of you to continue........WALK.........If I make you uncomfortable with my bottom line don't cross it. You can often tell how far your life and career will go based on the five people you spend the most time with. So therefore I am a direct reflection of my surroundings. Yes, I used to be in fear of people saying, Lolita you've changed. Well, actually I have.......Walk with me, walk with me!!!!!"


This prayer is on Tyrese's latest CD. The CD is amazing!! The name of the song is "Walk"  it's actually a

I am exactly two weeks into the New Year and the bottom line is, Lolita, WALK.........

(Ps 23:4)  Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. 
(1 Jn 1:7) But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another.


Friday, January 13, 2012

"Pieces Of Me!!"

January 13, 2012.......Today I didn't walk.  I spent time today relaxing and reflecting on these past couple of weeks, the whole blogging thing, you know.  I've been sharing myself and opening up a little more and more about me, my experiences, and it's caused me to also think about a song that I  listen everyday, so I'm gonna post the lyrics because it shines a little light on myself, Lolita. The first time I heard the words to this song I was sprung.  Like I said the cd is amazing!!!  Ledisi, "Pieces of Me!!"

"People just don't know what I'm about. They haven't seen what's there behind my smile. There's so much more of me I'm showing now, (These are the pieces of me). When it looks like I'm up sometimes I'm down. I'm alone even when people are around, but that don't change the happiness I've found, (These are the pieces of me). So when you look at my face, you gotta know that I'm made, of everything love and pain, (These are the pieces of me). Like every woman I know, I'm complicated for sho. But when I love, I love til there's no love no more, (These are the pieces of me). So many colors, make up the woman that you see. A good friend and lover, anything you want yes I can be. I can run the business and make time for fantasy!! (These are the pieces of me). Now I'm gonna make mistakes from time to time, but in the end believe that I'm gonna fly. No matter if I'm wrong or if I'm right, (These are the pieces of me). As the pieces of me start to unfold, now I understand, all that I am. A woman not afraid to be STRONG. I'm A Woman! Yes, I'm A Woman!"




January 12, 2012........Okay, Okay, Okay!!!!!............I know what you're probably going to say or be thinking, how can I put January 12. and post it as today's blog when it's really January 13, 2012?  I understand, but what you may not understand is (I meant to write this last night) smile.....but an emergency came up, and it took me off course.  (ooh, that could of been a good title for today, stay on course)  hmm, maybe another day.  So, back to blogging.  The reason why I am going to get away with posting yesterday, today is there really was an emergency that had my butt in an emergency room last night right around the time that I would of been out walking and preparing myself to blog. AND, I want to stay committed to the goal that I set out to achieve at the beginning of the year, Blog Everyday Day As A Walking Woman That Wins!!

 Around 10:00 p.m. I started having these pains in my right arm that left me without the ability to move my arm.  My right arm had stiffened, then locked up and would not move.  Earlier in the afternoon around 2:30 p.m. the same thing had occurred, yet I was able to maneuver my arm after about a good 20 minutes of a whole lot of stretching and contorting the arm to get it back in a position of stability.  My arm settled down and I was able to take a nap and sleep the pain away.  After I came home from my son's basketball game my arm locked up again, this time it didn't move at all.  I knew that I was going to have my plan of walking and blogging interrupted but I didn't have a choice.  I had to go to emergency to see what is going on?

I said from the beginning that I was going to keep it real, so in the spirit of that I need to let it be known that I have been diagnosed with "lymphedema".  Lymphedema, in a nut shell is the obstruction of the lymphatic system for poorly developed or missing lymph nodes or channels causing localized fluid retention and swelling in the tissues.  Lymphedema comes is different stages and or different channels.  I was diagnosed with lymphedema about 6 months ago.  I didn't realize the severity of lymphedema until lately.  I have been having increased swelling and pain, so I've been going to see a kinesiologist twice a week to help with range of motion and or swelling.  I also see a naturopath doctor who suggested that I try a lymphasizer machine.  A lymphasizer machine actually moves the body rhythmically like that of a fish.  In the Japanese culture it's common for people to use a lymphasizer to keep the lymphatic flowing.  I started using the machine on Monday of this week.  So, in addition to the increased walking, deep tissue therapy, as well as the lymphasizer,  maybe something made my arm lock up and not move, no flow what so ever!!!  At the emergency room they did check to see if  I had any clotting and the good news there is that there wasn't any clotting, whew!

So,  before my arm locked up, I said to myself that I shouldn't just keep going, going and going.  I knew that I should take at least one day a week if not two to just REST!!!  Let my body get used to the physical demands that I was putting on it and allow myself time for reflection, introspection and meditation.  I kept hearing my spirit tell me to relax, Rome wasn't built in a day, slow down Lo!!  Slow down!!  Wouldn't you know it, our bodies are so amazing that they have the ability to stop on their own.  That's it!!  That's all!!  If I didn't have the sense to listen to my body, then it was going to force me to and it did.  Believe me, I'm listening now.  I should have known that a person who has been physically challenged shouldn't be out anywhere just walking, walking, walking for 12 days straight without taking time in between to Rest.  My body said "Lolita, Sit Your Butt Down!!!"  I appreciate the course of events that have transpired in the last 24 hours for this very reason that it has allowed me to dig a little deeper.  By doing so, I found out more about lymphedema and just what am I looking at?  Am I looking into a double barrel shot gun or what?  Resting has allowed me to align my mind and body succinctly.  It keeps me in tuned with my surroundings.  I'll tell you, after looking up lymphedema and seeing some of the images of certain stages, I also have been made aware of how serious this is.  It's no joke!!  I can't afford to not work a selfish program that would put me on the road to health, fitness and recovery!!

Rest: 1. The refreshing ease or inactivity after exertion or labor.  2. a period or interval of inactivity, repose, solitude, or tranquility.  3. mental or spiritual calm.  

I have another word for you!!

Repose:  1. The state of being at rest.  2. peace or tranquility, calm.  3. dignified calmness, composure.  4. absence of movement or animation.  5. to lie or be at rest, as from work or activity.  6. to be peacefully calm and quiet.  

I know that it's easier said than done, trust me, I get it as evidenced by my own experiences, however; we have got to put ourselves first.  We must take the time out of our busy days and lives to repose.  Whether it's reading a good book for pleasure and relaxation.  Or, have a spa day, manni or pedi.  Or just take some deep calculated breaths for 15 minutes.  Find what works for you, and like the Nike motto, "Just Do It!!"

(Gen. 2:2) And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made.

(Matthew 11:28) Come unto Me, Lolita, when ye labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, Lolita, and learn of Me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your soul.  For My yoke is easy, Lolita, and My burden is light.  Amen!!

With Love,

Yours Truly,


Wednesday, January 11, 2012

"Shut Up!!"

January 11, 2012.......I am going to let the lyrics to a song that's on a cd I've been stuck on lately do my talking for me right now.  The name of the artist is Ledisi, her cd is amazing.  Every song on the cd has a meaning near and dear to my heart.

"Stuck in the middle, I can see where I've been, my eyes are open and I know where I'm going.  So much is in the way, there are people who like being negative and they always got something to say.  They say you'll never be what you want to be and that you'll never get but so far.  I'm trying hard gotta hold my tongue.  Times like this I wish I really could say, I wanna tell them SHUT UP!  I'm moving up no time for the haters, working hard to be greater, you need to SHUT UP, I'm climbing up, this is my calling, I don't see myself falling.  So SHUT UP!!  Working hard every day to be noticed, they don't want the best for you.  There are people around being jealous 'cause they wish that they could do what you do.  They say you'll never be what you hope to be, and that you'll never shine like the stars.  You're trying hard, gotta hold your tongue, times like this, I know you wish, you could tell them SHUT UP!!  Please forgive me, I don't mean to be rude.  This is not my normal behavior.  When people say them things to knock me off my rain, I can't help it, gotta tell them SHUT UP, I'M MOVIN UP, NO TIME FOR THE HATERS, WORKING HARD TO BE GREATER!!!"

Try stepping out of your comfort zone and going against the grain, it's then that people will show you who they really and what they really think of you.  People will try and break you down and chop you up into little, itty, bitty, pieces.  If that doesn't work then they will resort to child like behavior and put you down with their words.  Ask questions like "Why are you so different?  When what they really mean is why aren't you like me or others that are like me?  Try and be different and you'll be told that it's not right to be different.....When what they really mean is "you are supposed to act the way I or we act and if you don't something is wrong with you.  It's been said that if you're not being talked about then you must not be doing much of anything...That's true.  It's funny how some people aren't satisfied with other people doing themselves the way that they are comfortable with themselves, they want you to conform to the norm and if you don't then that's not acceptable, they label you an outcast.  We say we respect character and morality, yet those that do have character and morals don't look like others, nor do they act like others, and that must be such a foreign concept these days because it's not recognized as acceptable it somehow becomes questionable behavior to be ridiculed and approached with disdain rather than celebrated and admired as a pinnacle of success to be reached by those that lack the ability to reach for higher ground by standing up for who they are rather you like it or not.

  Peer pressure is a just that pressure by your peers!!!  Pressure: 1. the state of being pressed, the exertion of force.  2. harrassment; oppression; stress.  3. to force toward a particular end by exerting a constraining or compelling influence; coerce.  4. to pressurize.

When we are able to withstand the force put onto us by undo pressure, it's then and only then that we will be successful in whatever our goals are.  The key is to not put undo pressure on ourselves especially if it means to conform and cave in to pressure brought on by peers, society, people, finances, mental, or physical.

And if standing up against the pressure means that you have to say SHUT UP!!!  Then guess what homie, open your mouth and say:  "SHUT UP!!"

Ledisi, thank you for that one........

Today I power mall walked for 45 minutes!!!  Yesterday I walked for 30 minutes, I forgot to say it yesterday!!


Tuesday, January 10, 2012

"Stand For Something or Fall For Everything!!"

January 10, 2012......We've all heard that saying, "If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for everything."  No truer words could of been spoken....(is truer a word?)  Oh well....There comes a time in life when we must take a stand for what we believe in, even if it means that we stand alone.  It doesn't matter what they call you but what you answer to.  Standing up for yourself and your beliefs can be tough.  Sometimes you may find yourself standing alone and in doing so find that it's lonely taking a stand for what you believe in.  You may even find that you can be misunderstood in the process.  And because someone that may not even know you don't understand you they then sit in the seat of judgment against you.  My dad used to always say to me when I would say, "so and so did it"  "If so and so jumped off the bridge does that mean you're gonna go and jump off the bridge with them?"  The answer is no.  I wish I was as strong as he wanted me to be back then.  Hell, I wish I was that strong now in a lot of areas in my life, but I'm not.  I'm working on it.  I find that in standing up for what I believe in takes courage and strength.  There are times when I must stand alone in the process and frankly sometimes I don't like it, but what am I gonna do?  If I don't take the stand now, when?  The time has come for me to draw the strength I need from wherever I can get it.

I look at my son and I wish that I was as strong as he is at his age.  I have been an eye witness to how lonely it has been for him at times to stand firm on his beliefs and morals.  I have seen first hand how he has been misunderstood because he is reserved in his thoughts and behavior.   I tell him what I am telling myself tonight, if you don't stand for something you will fall for everything!!

There will come a time when I have to walk my walk alone.  I know that I am the social butterfly and that I want everyone to come along with me but that's not how it's gonna play out for me.  If I want this bad enough I must do whatever it's gonna take to get it done.  I thank God that I have come to that place where I have the ability to do that.

I wish my dad was here so that he can be an eye witness to me standing for something and not falling for everything.  I know that today he would be proud of me as I am Sir Stephen lonely or not.


Monday, January 9, 2012


January 9, 2012......I received a beautifully embossed grey envelope in the mail today with shiny red letters that said "Believe".   The gorgeous picture on the cover was the one and only Jennifer Hudson promoting the weight watchers program.  I know that I said I'm not on a diet, because I don't like to use the word diet, however I realize that I must find a nutritional program that I can follow and stick to.  I know that I must be realistic with whatever I choose.  I do know for sure that I am not going to follow the next quick scheme that comes along and lose a lot of weight only to gain it back 6 months from now.  The information packet gave me enough information to spark my curiosity even further about weight watchers.  I did go to our local weight watchers office about a month ago and inquired about their program and meetings.  While researching weight watchers they had a lot of positive things that I liked.  One of the things that stood out to me was the points plus program, you can choose from thousands of recipes and food items listed by points you receive daily depending on the number of calories you have allocated to you for the day and when you have used your points up for the day you know that you haven't gone over in your calories, fat grams, sugar, salt, etc;   I am interested in what they have to offer.  I like the fact that I can go to meetings on a weekly basis and do weigh ins, and also have a group of people who share the same concerns and problems that I do.  Until I make a decision about how I am going to go about the nutritional phase of my wellness plan, I will continue to monitor what I eat by not over indulging on anything.

I do believe in myself and my abilities.  I have a made up mind, so much so that tonight I was exhausted, I mean exhausted.  Yet, I got my self up out of the bed at 10:45 pm and went on a 30 minute walk.....I am committed.  Once I get outside it feels great.

Today, take time out for yourself.....Believe in yourself!!!  We can do all things through Christ!!

Take Care,


Sunday, January 8, 2012

"Watch Me Win!!"

January 8, 2012.....I don't know what the term is called when you find yourself at a place in life where everything is aligning itself right where it's supposed to.  The place when you know that you know that you know.  I am here, at that place.  It's kind of eerie, simply because that kind of stuff usually don't happen to Lolita.  That good good happens to others.  In fact, I put myself in a position to make sure that I have a hand in making the good good happen in other people's lives.  I came up with the title "watch me win" after watching Hosea Chanchez of the show "The Game" being interviewed on a gospel show earlier this morning.  Hosea was talking about a non-profit agency that he is the President of called "Watchmewin".

I went to the website to find out more about his non-profit agency and I was impressed with what I saw.  He has a non-profit agency that is primarily for youth and the premise of the program is to inspire our youth to be winners.  As I started reading about how to win there were some things that he said that stood out to me and I am going to take my inspiration any and everywhere I can get it.  I know that only God would know that I would turn my television at the time that I did and just so happen to see him being interviewed and then I would park on that channel to see what he was talking about.  I don't believe in coincidences.  How to win is for me.  Hosea says that in order for us to be winners we must first have a free mind.  He says that we must protect our eye gate, our ear gate and pay attention to what we see and hear on a regular basis.  I agree.  In order for me to be a walking woman that wins, I can't allow myself to be bogged down with negativity.  I must keep a positive attitude in order to accomplish the goals that I have set out to achieve.  He talks about energy and how we can feel energy even though we can't see it.  I have been in a room and the energy in the room would be completely zapped when a negative energy zapping individual would walk in and change the atmosphere of the entire room.  Hosea goes on to tell us to dream and put things in their proper perspective which is something you definitely have to do in order to set goals to be a winner.  You must first have a dream.  A place where you see yourself going to get where you want to be.  What is it that I want to attain?  Is my goal to lose weight?  If it is, how am I going to go about losing weight?  I must put a plan of action into place.  The next item on his how to win game plan is perspective.  I must change my perspective if I am going to change the conditions that surrounds me.  I must start seeing my world through a different pair of lenses.  Is the glass half empty? or half full?  These things are important to winners in life.  We must ask ourselves the question, do we sit around and talk about people or ideas?  For me, I don't have time to sit around talking about people.  I love to talk about ideas!!  I am the consummate dreamer.......I can talk about ideas and innovations all day long.  I love to charge the atmosphere with positive energy and excitement so much so that sometimes you have to peel me from the ceiling.  The next thing I must do to be winner is be giver.  Are you a giver?  God can't give us what's in his hand if our hand is balled up so tight because we won't let go of what's in our hand.  Let it go!!  Give it!!  It will come back around some way or another.  I am a firm believer of that, to a fault for the most part.  So much so that I have not put myself on my own list of priorities, which is what I talked about at the beginning of the year.  I will continue to be a giver, however;  just like the evacuation emergency plan on an airplane says to put the mask over your own face first before even your child, that same emergency plan is applicable in our daily lives.  We must put ourselves first, then and only then will we have the strength, energy & perspective to properly give to someone else.  In order for us to be winners according to Hosea next we must be accountable.  Having this blog is definitely a way for me to be accountable even without an accountability partner.  I am holding myself accountable.  That's important. What will I do when I am all alone?  Will I sneak downstairs and empty out the fridge or will I stand for what it is I want?  Will I get up and walk no matter what?  What is my FINAO?  (Failure Is Not An Option)  Just having these things in place allows me to have accountability within myself.  I don't have to look outside of Lolita for that anymore.  I am learning to find what I need as I go along.  Just like nature and the animals,  they take only what they need.  A lion will only kill one animal to eat when he is hungry.  It doesn't matter that the lion is the king of the jungle and has the entire jungle available to him.  He doesn't go around killing prey just to be killing.  Think about it?  His meat would sit around spoil, rot and the flesh of the carcass would be eaten by other animals because he would be too full to eat anymore than the portion he needs, the rest becomes a cancer to him.  That's where I am.  All other excess is cancer.  Too much!!  The last thing Hosea addresses about winning is FEAR!!!!   He tells us to "Fearnot"  I agree wholeheartedly.....Fear is (False Expectations Appearing Real)  That's it, that's all...Once we know that, everything, I mean everything will be conquerable.  There is no boogey man.  Remember, God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of love and of a sound mind and body!!!

 Today, I agree with Hosea Chancez, my motto........"WATCHMEWIN"



Saturday, January 7, 2012


January 7, 2012......advancement toward a goal or to a further or higher stage.  2. the development of an individual or society in a direction considered superior to the previous level.  3. growth or development; continuous improvement......Amen!!  If I were to define my first week in 2012,  I would have to say that I have made progress.  I have made continuous advancement toward a goal that I set out for myself at the beginning of this year to be a "Walking Woman Winning!!"  I am winning every time I continue to put one foot in front of the other and move a little further than I did the day before, I know that is progress.  I know that this last week has met me head on with one challenge after another, yet I kept my eye on the prize and that is my health.  I know that I am blessed to see 2012 without sitting at the cancer center with tubes in my arms and body being infused with chemotherapy treatments not knowing if I was going to live or die.   To be here sitting in this bed with the ability to reflect back just a year ago and realize that I owe it to God, myself, my children, husband, family and friends to give this race the best I have to give.  I know that the race isn't given to the swift, nor the strongest or the fastest, the race is given to the one who endures to the end.....That is an act of progression. A continual, steady pace, forward.  A conscious move toward excellence.  Not die-t-ing!!  No, I am not on a die-t!!!!  I will live and not die.  I am moving in the direction that will foster health and wellness.  Longevity, is my goal.  A quality of life that will keep me here for a long time to enjoy my life.  Give me the opportunity to see my son graduate from high school, then college.  I will be here to spend quality time with my grandsons, and continue to nurture and growing and maturing relationship with my older sons and daughter.  That's what a winning woman is to me.  Someone who is balanced in her thoughts, thereby it shows in her day to day activities and in her surroundings at home and abroad.

I Thank God daily for blessing me to see another day.  His gift to me is life.  My gift to him is to take care of the life I have to live.  I will walk this thing out, daily progressing, moving forward one step at a time.

I walked 40 minutes tonight and I just realized that I haven't even stepped on a scale yet this year!!  That's a miracle all by itself.  I was so obsessed with that scale........whew!!!!  See, that's progress, Amen.....Amen!!



Friday, January 6, 2012


January 6, 2012.......I literally just walked through the door after a 40 minute walk.  I am sweating and feeling good about the fact that I even made it out the door.  Today was my son's birthday he turned 18, a milestone seeing as how he is the youngest.  I knew that I wanted to celebrate with a little something, you know the traditional ice cream and cake. What I didn't know was how I was going to go about the celebration?  Was I going to go all out and prepare some big elaborate meal with all the trimmings?  Was I going to bake a cake and show him that mommy loves you, boo, see look what I did with my own two hands?  Or, was I just going to stay where my heart and spirit is right now and KISS him.....(Keep It Simple Sweetie).

I chose the latter!!  In doing so, I decided to go to dairy queen and buy an ice cream cake.  Now I thought that would be a fairly simple enough ordeal.  What I didn't expect were the smells to hit me as soon as I walked through the door.  I was smelling that sweet smell of cake and ice cream, mixed with the other smells of fried foods, not that greasy fried food that says eww!!  No maam.....this smell said, Lolitahhhh, hellloowww!!  Then there were all these ice cream cakes to choose from.  They had goofy characters, balloons, big cakes, small cakes, blizzard cakes, all kinds of cakes.  I had to ask myself what was I willing to walk out of that place with to allow to come into my home and tempt me?  Well the answer was nothing!!

I made up my mind in dairy queen that I wasn't going to let anything tempt me.  I was with a friend who was faced with the same dilemma.  My friend had spent the week eating raw fruits and vegetables only to walk into dairy queen and found herself looking at pictures of juicy burgers with ketchup and mustard oozing out the sides looking good enough to lick the picture.  We said right then and there that we would not be tempted and walked out the store with a cake that was small enough to sing happy birthday,  have a tiny slice in celebration and called it an evening!!!

I decided to look up the word temptation to see how big and scary that word has been in my life.  I'll have you know that while there were 23 definitions for stretch.  There was a couple of tiny definitions for temptation:  1. an act of tempting, enticement, allurement.  I don't know about you but, I will not be scurred of temptation again!!

Take Care,

and Happy Birthday to my boo boo baby, Sir Stephen, I Love You!!!


January 5, 2012.......In the spirit of keeping it real.  I have been walking for the last 5 days and it wasn't until tonight that I decided that maybe it would be a good idea for me and my body to give it a good stretch, especially my glutes, hamstrings, shins, quads, etc;  I know that going out to walk the distances that I have been without stretching could of caused me serious injury and maybe even prevented me from walking for awhile which would of put all my efforts at risk by not allowing me to walk for God knows how long.  I felt the sting of not stretching last night coming around that corner I was telling you about and while going up that incline on a little itty bitty hill I said to myself last night that I was going to make sure that I stretched from here on out just because I didn't want the lack of stretching to be a reason to keep me from my FINAO...

It felt so good to stretch my muscles.  I found a quiet spot to really get into my body and allowed myself to feel the muscles being stretched and loosened.  While I was into my down time I started to think about the word stretch and I wanted to know just what the webster's dictionary definition of stretch meant?  Would you believe that webster's had 23 definitions of the word stretch!!  I must say that I'm not surprised.....Because while I was stretching my muscles, I knew at that instance my muscles weren't the only things being stretched. In order for me to embark upon this journey to be a "Walking Woman Winning" I had to come to a place within my body and soul that would allow me to stretch.

Stretch: 1. to spread out fully.  2. to extend to the limit. 3. to extend, force, or make serve beyond the normal or proper limits, strain: to exert.  4. to extend one's limbs or body.  5. to extend over a distance.

That my friend is where I must be willing to take myself and my body.  I must stretch out fully and allow myself to be extended to the limit, through joys and pains, heartache, tears and yes smiles from time to time.  I am willing to serve beyond the normal limits of expectations that occasionally will cause strain and exertion beyond what my body is used to or what my body will cry out to say no more, I will go the distance to get to the other side of dis-ease.

Today, I will S-T-R-E-T-C-H!!!!!!



Wednesday, January 4, 2012

What is your FINAO?

January 4, 2012.....I was asked the question today, what is my FINAO?  I smiled because I have a FINAO.  My answer is to be a "Walking Woman Winning!!" I have a friend who shared with me what FINAONATION is and how he is involved in the business.  FINAO means, "Failure Is Not An Option" we must come to a point in our lives when no matter what, against all odds, we will do whatever it takes to make our dreams and desires come true.  Failure is not an option!!

I have decided that failure is not an option for me when it comes to my health.  I was out walking tonight and I was able to walk for 50 minutes, that's a good thing but I couldn't help but to think back to a few months ago and how fast things can change.  I found myself walking on the same streets that I had walked before coming around the same corners I have walked plenty of times and yet tonight I found myself huffing and puffing, my knees were hurting and I couldn't help but think that I had been here before, not even 6 months ago I could walk that street with a breeze but then I remembered before that same walk became a breeze, back when I was huffing and puffing, sitting on the side wall of people's lawns because it was hard for me to get up the hill and how I kept pushing myself until it became easier and easier, how I went from walking 30 minutes to an hour, from an hour to two hours and now I am back where I started from and all of this has occurred in less than a year.  I am not going to beat myself up about it, but I will say this, that saying that it's easier to put it on than it is to take it off is true.  I started a program back in March of 2011 and by July I was walking up to 4-5 miles per day, then somewhere it all went wrong.  I let one day go by without walking that turned in to two days and here I am can barely make it for 30 minutes.....The good news out of all of this is that I am such a fighter.  I will not give up.  I will keep going,  I may have been down but never out.  I am going to keep going back to that hill and I will keep going a little further and a little further until I make it all the way down and then   back up again, just like before.  I remember looking at the top of the hill and thinking one day I will get to the top and look over it.  Got to the top looked over it, then went down it and back up. That will happen again, I'm not worried, in fact the thought of it gives me hope and encouragement.

Downtown Edmonds, here I come!!!!  "Failure Is Not An Option"

  We all must come to the place where we ask ourselves what is our FINAO?  What will we do no matter what?  Like my grandmother used to say, "come hell or high water".... I encourage you to find your FINAO!!!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

"Preparation is Key"

January 3, 2012.....I live in a city that rains quite a bit, so if you plan on walking here in my town you better plan on walking in the rain from time to time.  Today was a nice day to get out and take a walk, the weather was a little misty so I put on my rain coat and rain hat, doubled up on my socks and headed out the door with dog in tow.  I definitely started out earlier than I have the last couple of days which was a good thing it allowed me to walk further than the night walks did.  It wasn't until I got out on the street and well into the walk that I realized how unprepared I was for my walk with Carmello.  I kept feeling a tug on the leash and I looked down to my side and Carmello was trying to cop a squat, now mind you, I'm not on a wooded trail where no one can see me, we are on a busy street, the high school students were getting out of school, a lot of the students know who I am and here my dog is trying to do a number two.  I yell Carmello NOOOO!!! you can't, I don't have anything to pick your poop up with, now I am talking to my dog he is suspended in mid air looking at me like I have two heads and I say Carmello WAIT!!! DON'T, YOU CAN'T!!!  I love my dog because Carmello looked at me as if to say, okay let's go back home and get a baggy for my poop!!!

 1)  If you go for a walk with your dog, make sure you are fully prepared with a plastic poop baggy and I prefer a scooper.
2)  I think it's important to have a jacket that has zippered pockets allowing you to keep things in your pocket and you don't have to worry about losing anything along your walking path.
3)  Trying to juggle a blue tooth in your ear and ipod ear phones is rather complicated, you must have the blue tooth in one ear and one speaker piece in the other ear.
4)  Make sure you have on athletic socks because cutesy, wutesy socks is not cute when your toes want to cramp up!!
5)  Wear comfortable athletic shoes for walking!!!!  Not a pair of Tom's or some stylish bright orange hot shoes that turn out to be not so hot and you end up cutting your walk short because you weren't properly prepared!!!

Take Care,

"Lolita....Walking Woman Winning"

Monday, January 2, 2012

Feel The Fear and Do It Anyway!!

January 2, 2012.....I just got back in the house and settled in to write about my day of being a woman winning while walking.  I can say that I did get out the house to walk and all things considered that is winning, however; the process was more difficult today than it was yesterday at midnight!  I thought that was bad, today was worse, meaning it seemed like everything got in the way of me just gearing up and hitting the pavement to get in at least 45 minutes to an hour, but that didn't happen.  I know that I am my own worse enemy.  I said that I wasn't going to put my progress on anyone else.  I wasn't going to do like I would normally do, beg and plead to have someone walk with me and when they didn't I wouldn't walk with or for myself.  The day started out well.  I ate a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast and then I got busy doing busy work.  I know that I should of went walking the first thing this morning but I didn't.  As the day progressed a mini storm set in and I said to myself that I would wait for the storm to pass or I was going to go to the mall and walk around the mall, well when I looked up and realized the mall was closed and the day was almost over, I was hungry, tired, cranky and wondering how did I let the day slip right from under my fingers again without putting myself on the list of priorities?  What I realized was because my conscience kept calling on me to do me, it forced me to put myself on the list anyway.  I kept being reminded to do Lolita no matter what.  I was finding myself thinking about myself and I must admit that, that was somewhat awkward.  I'm not used to doing me.  The mere thought of putting myself on the list caused me to move into action mode.  It helped that I had made a resolution and that I didn't want to let myself down again.  It also helped that I started this blog that I wanted to stay committed to.

Earlier today I had a conversation about a business venture and I said that I was going to feel the fear and do it anyway.  That's what happened tonight.  I had a made up mind.  It didn't matter what was going on around me.  I didn't care who wanted to go or who didn't.  I didn't even ask.  I knew someone that did want to go no matter what and his name is "Carmello" my German Shephard.  Carmello jumped all over me to go out on a walk with me.  He didn't care how cold it was, what time of night it was, he just wanted to go for a walk, and it was in that moment of me getting myself dressed and him following me all over the house because he knows when I am getting ready to leave the house that I knew how special I am and how special he is and how special this moment and experience is and gonna be.  I am feeling what it is gonna feel like every time I put Lolita first, no matter what.  I feel good inside. Yes, I cried, I won't lie, walking out in the dark, tired, frustrated with the turn of events that I let get in my way today, but I know what it is gonna take, time management, and it's a process like I said before. One step at a time..... Today, I feel good and I know I am a blessed walking woman winning!!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

A Fresh Start

 January 1, 2012...I knew how I wanted to bring in the new year, yet I had reservations about getting started.  I found myself thinking and rethinking about how I was going to start walking.  I know it sounds like such a simple concept, right?  That's all I needed to do was get up and go walking!!  This day was going to be different from all the other 364 days in 2011, somehow on day 365 everything was going to fall into place.  Well, I'd like to say it did, but in keeping it real, it didn't.  I wanted to bring in the new year swimming in a pool of fresh water, waving to the camera and letting the world know that I did it!!  I got my behind up and got into the pool and by doing so it would let the world also know that the year was off to a great start and my setting a resolution this year and sticking to it is gonna work!!  So, I called my gym and realized that they weren't going to be open at midnight, I had to wait until 6 a.m.  Somehow, that gave me a little relief because I was comfortable thinking about my new year's resolution.....As bad as I wanted change, I was still comfortable thinking about change, not holding my own feet to the fire!!  I waited until 11:45 p.m. to get my butt up, get dressed and ready to go and take my walk.  I procrastinated!!  I called people and talked a good talk, however; when it came to walking the walk, it didn't come easy for my body to catch up with part of my mind, part of me was saying yes to change, while the other part of me fought it all the way!!  I must say that getting up, getting out and taking those first steps in 2012 felt real good.  The night air was fresh, crisp and invigorating.  I am glad that I followed through with what I wanted to do for Lolita.  I'm glad that I decided to work a selfish program that put my need for health and longevity above the foolishness of thought that keeps me stagnate and virtually paralyzed when it comes to taking care of my physical body for even 20 minutes, let alone an hour!!

I didn't want it to stop there.  I didn't walk long, I walked to the end of the driveway and down the street,  I heard some gun shots and came back home rather quickly, but it was good.  Later, after I woke up today I went for a walk along the trail near my home.  I put in a 30 minute walk with my husband and son.  It was a little easier to get out today than it was last night partly because I know that taking that first step was key.  I'm excited about what this year is going to bring as far as my health is concerned.  I'm excited to share this journey with others who may be experiencing some of the same feelings of trepidation as I do.  This too will pass.  We will get through this together.  I want to have a safe place to share my thoughts and experiences.  I know that there are a whole lot of people who are just like me.  We don't have it all figured out.  We will take one step at a time, together, okay.... Sincerely, Lolita aka (Walking Woman that's Winning!!!)