Wednesday, March 4, 2015

"When you know, that you know, that you know!!"

March 4, 2015

     I walked through the door feeling great, they said it showed on my face.  "Thank You."  I replied.  But then, I had sit on that chair and as it was reclining backwards there was such a feeling of anxiety that started to come upon me to the point where I thought that I was going to jump out that big, beautiful picturesque window in front of me!
     The needle went inside of my gums and there was no turning around.  I knew at that moment I had one of two choices.  Was I going to tell the dentist that I have anxiety and I couldn't do this?  Or, was I going to find a way to work through the anxiousness that I was feeling and do as "Susan Jeffers" say and "Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway!" 

     Sometimes you may find yourself at the fork in the road and you have to make the decision about which road you will take.  For some people the easy, comfortable road may be the road they decide to take.  For others, they will choose the road that's not so comfortable, not so easy.  The road that you know will get you to where you want to go but you also know that there's pain, and with that pain will be tears, however; that road leads to your destination.

     That happened to me today, even though I knew I had to go through the process of having my teeth drilled, sanded, with hoses set up to my mouth that sucked out poison, it didn't make the choice easy.

     Right now my mouth is numb.  I'm dealing with the after effects of having mercury removed out of my teeth on the right side of my mouth and as uncomfortable as it was; I know that I made the right choice.

     I'm on the right road.............

Take Care,

Choose Life!

Love You More,

La La Lolita Love

"Seek truth and you will find a path."
~Frank Slaughter

"In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is
the right thing.  The next best thing is the wrong thing.
And, the worst thing you can do is nothing."
~Theodore Roosevelt

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