Thursday, March 12, 2015

Secrets, Secrets & More Secrets......

March 12, 2015

Secret:  1. a kept from knowledge or view; hidden.  2. not known or not seen by others.

     Have you ever thought about all the "Secret" books there are on the market?  It seems as though everything is a "Secret."

I've been thinking, "What if it really isn't a Secret?"  What if success, peace, prosperity, abundance, the true meaning of life and the Power we have to Create any and everything that we want and need was right underneath our nose?  What if the answer, the key to living and having abundant life is right here, right inside of us?  I mean, I'm thinking about what Jesus said when he said "suffer the little children to come unto me and forbid them not for such is the Kingdom of Heaven."  He also said that the Wisdom and Knowledge we seek about life, is simple enough for a child to understand.  That tells me that maybe, just maybe I and we might just complicate things a little more than we ought to.  I'm just saying, I think I'm on to something and I'm going to explore this.

I read the book "The Alchemist" and just like with Santiago everything that happens in our lives happens for a reason.  Just like with Dorothy and the Wizard of Oz, they all went in search for things that they all had inside of themselves all along.

I'm believing that the keys to the Kingdom is inside of me.  And, if that is the case the next question would be; what is it?  What is the key that's inside of me?  If it's not a secret and simple enough for a child to understand and hidden in plain sight, what is it?  What do I have inside of me?

Did you hear about the story of the guy who went out to search the hills of California for Gold.  He sold everything he had and went out to find the gold, the hidden treasure, he went to expose the "Secret."

Well, he spent all he had, found a little bit of gold and then there was no more.  While he was gone the owner of the home he sold dug a hole in the back yard to plant a tree and "Oil" shot up out the ground.  The new owner became Rich.  The old owner had the riches he went out to seek right up under his nose.


Could it be that, that we seek is right underneath our noses?  I challenge us all before we go out to find our treasure, our gold, let's first look in our own backyard.  Let's commit to looking within first before we go to seek outwards.  Let's not leave one stone un-turned within before we go and seek to un-earth and un-cover with."out!!

Love You All Dearly,


La La Lady Lovely Lolita Arnez!

"It is necessary to the happiness of man that he be mentally
faithful to himself." 
~Thomas Paine

"I Always entertain great hopes."
~Robert Frost

"God does command that we do great things,
only little things with great love."
Mother Teresa

"The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts....
take care that you entertain no notions unsuitable to virtue and
reasonable nature.
~Marcus Aurelius

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