Monday, March 2, 2015

"Mercury & Me!"

March 2, 2015

Mercury:  1. a heavy, silver-white, toxic metallic element, liquid at room temperature; used in barometers, thermometers, pesticides, pharmaceuticals, mirror surfaces, and as a laboratory catalyst; of the spurge family; esp. the poisonous.

So, I went to see a Naturopath Doctor over the weekend that told me and I quote; "I believe the breast cancer that you've had on your right side is a direct link to the mercury fillings that has been releasing poisonous gasses into to your body over the years!!"

Well, how I even ended up at the Naturopath Doctor's office was amazing all by itself.  And how I was able to link what was going on in my mouth with Mercury Poisoning.  It was a Miracle and A Blessing from God for that to have happened.  I know one thing that I AM BLESSED!!

It all started last week when I was drinking a cup of coffee.  As the coffee went down my mouth I noticed that I had these feelings in my chest that felt like electrical surges that exacerbated the pain I was already having in my chest.  I tried another few sips of coffee and the same thing kept happening.  At the time I was walking around the lake.  My prayer went out to God; "Please Lord, give me wisdom, knowledge and understanding!"  Because the word of God says; "In All thy getting, get understanding."

     And, suddenly a thought came to my mind; "Mercury Poisoning!"  I rushed back to the car and looked up "Mercury Poisoning" on "You Tube" and there was plenty of videos and information.

      Well, there was this one video that gave details about symptoms of mercury poisoning and one of them was "Feelings of Electrical Surges!"  I was motionless and so very Thankful and Blessed.  All of the symptoms were very scary but it has explained so much and in great detail.  I have since then been doing a lot of research to be as educated as I can about the subject.

It seems like I have been having every symptom that's been described.  I have been going to the doctor for the longest telling of the pain, body aches, joint aches, ringing in my head and ears, chest pains, etc.  The doctors would run all the typical tests and they all would come back negative except for cancer (which is also a direct link to mercury poisoning) because they don't test for "Mercury Poisoning" or levels of Mercury in the body!!

I went to a Naturopath Dentist today and had all my necessary x-rays and a consult on what the next steps are to having the mercury fillings removed.  Of course, with the way my body feels I mentioned that I just wanted the doctor to Pull Out All Of My Teeth!!  He declined........... (Smile)  I Am glad because I need and want my teeth.

The journey will be a long one.  The process will be challenging, however;  I AM an Overcomer!  I AM Blessed.  I AM Healed!

After I have the fillings of mercury removed, then I have to start with "Chelation Therapy" which is the removal of mercury out of my body, my system, my internal organs (liver, kidneys, etc;)

As much as this is just soooo much to wrap my mind around.  (Speaking of which) One of the symptoms of "Mercury Poisoning) is memory loss, forgetfulness, anger, bouts of rage, anxiety, crying, joint pain, headaches, foul breath, you name it.  This is incredible.

I know that I'm Blessed.  I must continue to say that.  I know I Am Healed.  I must continue to say that also because God wouldn't have put it in my spirit the way he did if he didn't have amazing plans for me and my life.

I Am in Awe of the Miracle Working Power of The Almighty El Shaddai!!


"Is any sick among you? Let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord; and the prayer of faith shall save the sick; and the Lord shall raise him up and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him.
~James 5:14,15

"It is God's will to heal any who are sick in the Church.  His body, I AM a member of the body of Christ and it is God's will for me to be well and to walk in good health."

"For to one is given by the Spirit the word of
wisdom; to another the word of knowledge by the same
Spirit; to another faith by the same Spirit, to another
gifts of healing by the same Spirit."
~I Corinthians 12:8,9

"Jesus has given me Power & Authority to use his name
to break the bondage of sickness and disease.  I have Power
over the adversary.  I AM that I AM.  Greater works than
what Jesus did, I CAN DO!"


"There is but one journey. Going inside yourself."
~Rainer Maria Rilke

In God's Infinite Love,
La La Lolita Love

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