Tuesday, March 24, 2015

"Habitually Successful!"

March 23, 2015

Habit:  1. an acquired pattern of behavior that has become almost involuntary as a result of frequent repetition.  2. customary practice or use.  3. a dominant or regular character or tendency.

Habitual:  1. of the nature of a habit; fixed by or resulting from habit.  

Rich:  1. having wealth or great possessions; abundantly supplied with resources, means, or funds.  2. abounding in natural resources.

     In my quest to be successful, I'm finding that there's one common denominator with the haves verses the have nots, and that is healthy habits.

     Successful people set goals that  they perform repetitively to a pathological degree with laser like focus in order to achieve their aspirations.

     In order for us to become successful we must stay on course even in the midst of a storm.  The winds may blow and the rain may fall but we must stay the course.  We have to stay in control and think like Wealthy, Successful people.

If we want to have what successful, wealthy and rich people have, we must do what wealthy successful and rich people do!

We have to take control of our minds and keep the negativity out of our lives.  Sometimes we need to take a hiatus from the crowd and practice being still and alone with ourselves in order for us to hear what our inner voice may be telling us.  It's good to silence the chatter from time to time.

Successful people know the importance of developing a network of like minded individuals.  We must surround ourselves with people that talk about events, businesses, entrepreneurial ideas and ideals. and not other people!

We must surround ourselves with innovators and mind stimulator's.  Successful people want to make changes in their communities and the world, they light up when talking about helping others and the latest inventions.

  If you want to be "Habitually Successful" you won't have time to be sitting around procrastinating, you'll wake up Everyday on a mission to be, do and have the best life has to offer for yourself and naturally you'll make the best available for others; and if it's not available, you'll create it!

Loving you the most,

In Solidarity,

Yours Truly,

La La Lolita Lovely

"Thoughts lead on to purposes; purposes go forth in action;
actions form habits; habits decide character; and character fixes
our destiny!
~ Tryon Edwards

"The individual who wants to reach the top in business must appreciate
the might of the force of habit ~and~ must understand that practices are what
create habits.  He must be quick to break those habits that can break him ~and~
hasten to adopt those practices that will become the habits that help him achieve the 
success he desires."
~ John Paul Getty

"Go out and buy yourself a five-cent pencil and a ten-cent notebook
and begin to write down some million dollar ideas for yourself!"
~ Bob Grinde

"If you change your habits, your habits will change!"
~ La La Lolita Jackson


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