Wednesday, March 18, 2015

"Living Through The Meantime!!"

March 17, 2015

     Iyanla Vanzant wrote a book called, "Living Through The Meantime," learning to break the patterns of the past and begin the healing process.

     In the book Iyanla tells us that we have to "clean the house before we can live in it!"  The objective of the book is to put the puzzle of your life together with the pieces that may be missing, broken, confusing and or lost.  "Living Through The Meantime," encourages you to take inventory by walking through your emotional and spiritual house to reveal any mess, debris, and squeaks so that you can repair any damage that's found.

     Iyanla let's us know that we must build our home on a solid foundation that's built on LOVE.......

"Living In The Meantime," is a 9-5 job of work that must be done.  While you're building the foundation and going through the process of identifying the work that needs to be done you're also finding out which part of the house needs the most work.

Iyanla describes what needs to be done depending on which level of the house you're in according to your feelings.

For example; if you are in the basement you're feeling, disappointed, betrayed, rejected, and/or like it's someone else's fault.

If you're on the first floor you're feeling, angry, frightened, confused, unhappy, and/or apprehensive or like your life is falling apart.

If you're on the second floor, you're ending a relationship, leaving a job, moving away or you're having health challenges.

If you're on the third floor, you're seeking closure to dysfunction in a relationship but you're also ready to forgive and assume responsibility for every aspect of your life.

If you're in the attic, you're grateful, hopeful, ready and open!


You may be in the Valley!  If so, that's another book and You NEED A WHOLE LOT OF WORK!!

The valley means you've missed the boat completely!  You insisted on having things your way and you did your own thing.  You consider yourself a victim, you are talking badly about other people, of course you're being mistreated and overlooked again..........You'll want to get the book, "The Value of the Valley: A Black Woman's Guide Through Life's Dilemmas."

If you're "Living In The Meantime," I encourage you to get the book by Iyanla Vanzant and take the time to do the work necessary to make the changes in your life so that you can have not just a house but a home.

You want your home to be built on solid ground made out of LOVE.

Take Care,

Love Always,

Yours Truly,

La La Lolita Lovely

"Be serene in the oneness of things
and erroneous views will disappear by themselves."
~ Seng-Ts' An

"This night will pass....
Then we have work to do.....
  Everything has to do
with loving and not loving....."
~ Rumi

"To direct the mind towards the basic unity of
all things and to divert it from the seizing of differences
therein lies bliss."
~ Tejo-Bindu Upanishad

"In keeping the center of the I empty,
the miracle of life can enter and heal."
~ Mark Nepo

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