Thursday, March 19, 2015

"Big Thinking & Perseverance!"

March 18, 2015

Thinking:  1. rational; reasoning.  2. thoughtful; reflective.  3. thought; judgment.

Thinker:  1. a person who thinks, esp. in a specified way or manner.  2. a person who has a well-developed faculty for thinking, as a scholar, etc.

Think:  1. to have a conscious mind, capable of reasoning, remembering, and making rational decisions.  2. to employ one's mind rationally in evaluating a given situation.  3. to have a certain thing as the subject of one's thoughts; to call something to ones conscious mind; to consider something as a possible action; to believe to be true.

Big:  1. large in size; height, width, or amount.  2. of major concern or importance.  3. outstanding; a big success; important.  4. important, influential; large scale, powerful; magnanimous.

Perseverance:  1. steady persistence in a course of action, a purpose, a state, etc., esp. in spite of difficulties, obstacles, or discouragement.     


Have you heard the song, "I feel joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart, down in my heart, down in my heart?"  That's how I feel in the deepest part of my soul.  The bible talks about us feeling an abundance of rain, meaning there's going to be a blessing coming your way.  I FEEL that. I feel it in the pit, the very core of All that I am.

On the outside looking in, your world could be  falling apart.  You could be broken in a million pieces.  Your heart could have been ripped out of your chest, marinated in salt, placed on a metal skewer, doused with butane and is ROASTING over an open flame.  The tears may not/won't stop.  You could FEEL betrayed, belittled, embarrassed, rejected, dejected, lonely, alone, scared and You MIGHT NOT KNOW WHAT THE NEXT SECOND OF YOUR LIFE WILL BE LIKE.

Your husband could of come home, walked through the door after 27 years of marriage and told you he's leaving you.

He could be gone, he  may have packed his clothes, took his pictures off the walls, took his most intimate and personal things, loaded his truck last night and walked out the door and out of your life.  After 27 years, he's gone.

You may not have heard one word from him in over 24 hours. You may be  DEVASTATED!!!  He may have been your only source of income and he walked out and didn't leave you one dollar and left you destitute.  You may have had your doctor tell you just two weeks ago that your cancer has been directly related to the amalgam fillings of mercury in your mouth that's been slowly poisoning you to death. You may still have to undergo chemo, and in less than 3 weeks have to endure another surgery.

You may be looking down the barrel of that AK-47! 

I may have just described your life, and even though ALL of these things may be you or me.

Please know that NOW is the time for you/us to lift up our hands and say Thank You!  

Say Thank You for the "Abundance of Rain."  The devil is taking his best shot at you, at me, but you know what?

It's NOW!

It's NOW that I, that You will say Thank You.  Know that God hasn't brought us this far to let us go.

NOW is when you/we have to believe and trust the God within us.  NOW is when we have to kick our imaginations and dreams into over drive.  NOW is when you have to put ACTION to your faith filled words.

NOW is when we:  DARE TO DREAM, DARE TO BELIEVE, DARE TO SEE!  NOW is when WE  have "The Audacity of Hope!"    

We will take every idea that we've ever had and go for it!!  We won't leave one stone un-turned.  

Think Big, Persevere, Be Still And Know.....................

My Sincerest Love,

La La Lolita Lovely

"The mind is not a vessel to be filled
but a fire to be ignited!"
~ Plutarch

"If ye have faith and doubt not,........
If ye shall say unto this mountain,
Be thou removed, and be thou cast
into the sea; it shall be done. And all
things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, 
believing, ye shall receive."

"Our life experiences will have resonances
within our innermost being, so that we will
feel the RAPTURE of being Alive!"
~ Joseph Campbell


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