Friday, March 20, 2015

"Poetry In Motion!"

March 20, 2015

Poetry:  1. literary work in metrical form; poetic works; poems; verse.  2. the art of writing poems.  3. prose with poetic qualities.  4. poetic qualities however manifested.  5. poetic spirit of feeling; something suggestive of poetry.


     As you can see, I love to write.  I love the "Art of Communication!"  I Love To Talk (sometimes.....)  I love to say things that matter, and then there are times when I Love the abstract.  I Love the Adventure, the story, the novel, the fairy tale.

To Be, or Not To Be, that's me.  I dibble and dabble with a little poetry from time to time.  I want to share some of my writings, enjoy.


I don't do rejection well
Can't you tell
These feelings of Abandonment
To childhood I was sent
Remembering my life
 A living hell
Did not know, what to do
What to say
How to live
I give, give, give
U people take, take, take
It dawned on me
Before a victim I become
Tears down my face
On the run, run, run
Is my reward
Taking charge
Of Being good'
Constant flow
Living water
Rivers deep
My love to be reaped
My bottomless well
I can not tell
I recognize this is a gift
I must shift
To whom it's meant
My love so deep
It's Me, I see
I get it now
From A Child
To love yourself
We're always told
Love thy neighbor
As ourselves
No self worth
Recipient of my own
Love so rich
I'll Say
To myself
So bold
I Miss You Boo
Good Morning Beautiful
Knock, Knock
My Love
Tick Tock
The Clock
Wake up sleepy head
Get out of bed
Your love awaits
For your arrival
Thanking God
For my survival
My pet
Again to sweat
Rejection From
The bottomless pit

~ by Lolita Jackson
September 14, 2011

"Precision, instinct and tempo
are all necessary in order to become
~ Donald J. Trump

Love Always,
La La Lolita Lovely

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