Sunday, March 22, 2015

"Power In Prayer!"

March 22, 2015

I believe in the "Power of Prayer."  The bible tells us to pray without ceasing.  We are also told to open our mouths and decree a thing to be so.

Jesus said "After this manner pray ye, open your mouth and say," we are to say what we want to pray about.  We can't think about it, we have dominion over the earth and everything in it.

Recently I found myself in a situation where my household, family, health, and marriage has been under attack.  It's been like a free for all with the devil.  I literally feel like Job, the devil just did what he wanted to do with Job, however; he couldn't kill him.

I was reminded today that I must take control over the enemy that's been attacking me and my family.  One way to do that is to bind the forces of the enemy and to loose the power and authority that has been given me.

Also, I must Pray without Ceasing.  I had to ask myself where did I go wrong?  While taking inventory of my life and sitting with myself to start the process of cleaning my home first, I recognized while taking responsibility for my own mishaps that I can never think that Satan is asleep.  He hovers around the earth seeking whom he may devour.

Don't let the enemy come into your life and wreak havoc over you and your family.  Open your mouth and tell the devil to flee!!

I Love You,


La La Lolita Lovely

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