Saturday, February 28, 2015

"Mary, Mary!"

February 28, 2015

Mary Mary
They say contrary
Must be scary
They always ask
How does your garden grow?

Not Silver Bells
No Cockle Shells
Nor Pretty Maidens
In A Row

But From The Hell
You've Been Through
My Precious Boo

As A Child
Stolen Smile
Mama Wild

Not Relevant

Your Innocence

Watered Eyes
Seed You Plant
Sown So Deep
In Your Soul
What I'm Told 

Dreams At Night
Your Garden Grows
Is What I'm Told
Of What You've Sown

Garden Grows
What Do You See?

Yes My Child
What You Want To Be

Now Go My Sweet

My Little One
On Da
Run, Run, Run, 

To The Fields
Your Garden Grows
With Pretty Maidens
In A Row
Flowers High
Up To The Sky
Where You Bloom

And Never Die
Just Multiply!"

~by Lolita Jackson
To Murrrrrry!  (Daughter)

"Success Requires No Explanations!"
~Napoleon Hill

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