Monday, February 2, 2015

"My Brother's Keeper....."

February 2, 2015

I've been doing a lot of "Soul Searching" lately and today I thought about the phrase in the bible that says "Am I my brother's keeper?"   It comes from Genesis 4:9 when God asked Cain where was Abel fully knowing that Cain had killed Abel, yet Cain denied knowing where Abel was, he went further and asked a question from a question which was "Am I my brother's keeper?'

I find myself at times asking myself that question and my answer is "Yes I Am!" and as a "Keeper of the Brethren" I think it's important to for us to share the wisdom that has been imparted to us along our journey in life.

Be courageous, Be strong, Life Is Good.

I will elaborate a little more at another time, I'm going to bed right now I'm tired (can't you tell?).

Love Always,

La La Lolita

"Hold yourself responsible for a higher standard than anyone else expects of you. Never excuse yourself. Never pity yourself. Be a hard master to yourself and be lenient to everyone else."
~Henry Ward Beecher

"What sunshine is to flowers, smiles are to humanity.  They are but trifles to be sure; but, scattered along life's pathway, the good they do is inconceivable.
~Joseph Addison

"After the verb "To Help" is the most
beautiful verb in the world.
~Bertha von Suttner


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