Tuesday, February 10, 2015

"Brain Boosting!"

February 9, 2015

Brain:  1. the anterior part of the central nervous system enclosed in the cranium of vertebrates, consisting of a mass of nerve tissue organized for the perception of sensory impulses, the regulation of motor impulses, and the production of memory, learning, and consciousness.  2. Sometimes, brains, understanding; intellectual power, intelligence.  

Boost:  1. to lift or raise by pushing from behind or below.  2. to advance or aid by speaking well of; promote.  3. increase.

I look forward to every single day in my life!  I wake up expecting blessings and abundance.  I know that I will have favor and that the Universe has a mandate to bless me.  I know that God has a legion of Angels working on my behalf to open the windows of heaven and pour me out blessings that I don't have room enough to receive.

My faith and belief that all things are possible to them that Love the Lord keeps me excited.  I look forward to taking action in order to be ready and prepared.

On my quest for health and wellness my brain has to be exercised and nourished just like my body.  We must take care of our brains, especially if we are of a certain age.  The older we get the more we must make a deliberate effort to pay attention to the health of our brains as it impacts our overall quality of life and well being in order to function at its best.

My father died of Alzheimer's.  I had a front row seat to the deterioration of his mental clarity and capabilities.

As "Walking Women that Win!" brain fitness is a priority,  It's imperative that we enhance our intellectual brain power with daily calisthenics of the mind.  Keeping our brains in good shape takes a commitment on our parts.  We must work out with brain exercises that challenges us to keep up with the demand of this 21st Century high tech, X generation.  Not to mention, if you're a grandmother like I am, the physical as well as mental activities of toddlers and adolescents makes a demand on our brains to keep up or shut up!

Have you had to help some of these youngsters with their homework?

I implore you to join the "Brain Boosting Fitness Revolution" with just a few minutes of daily brain exercises in a game of Sudoku, Scrabble, Hexagon Hunt, Mirror Image, Target Shoot, Tri-Tri again, or Jeopardy, or Read a Great Book. You too will have increased "Brain Power!!"

"The mind is not a vessel to be filled
but a fire to be ignited."

"The world of books is the most remarkable
creation of man; nothing else that he builds
ever lasts. Monuments fall; nations perish, civilizations
grow old and die out. After an era of darkness, new
races build others; but in the world of books are
volumes that live on still as young and fresh
as the day they were written, still telling men's
hearts of the hearts of men centuries dead.
~Clarence Day

Be Inspired,

La La Lolita Love

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