Wednesday, February 18, 2015


February 17, 2015

Breathe:  1. to take air, oxygen, etc, into the lungs and expel it; inhale and exhale; respire.  2. to pause, as for breath; rest.  3. to live, exist; to be redolent of.

     Sometimes we have to take a moment to pause and take a deep breath, period.  That's it!  Nothing more, and nothing less.  Just sit back, relax and breathe.  Don't say a word to anyone because at times that may just make whatever, worse..........

     When you're faced with situations that may be a challenge, try taking a deep breath.  Sit on it for awhile, you may find that to be comforting.

     I've had to do it and I've actually found peace in deep breathing and finding my way back to my core, my center.  Don't let your enemy steal your joy by taking away your peace.  Whomever your enemy may be.  My metaphor for enemy is the devil, for me devil is anything or anyone that comes to steal, kill or destroy any part of my life, my being, disrupt my harmony by wreaking havoc.  Don't allow it.

     Your enemy doesn't necessarily have to be an outer enemy, a person, you can have your thoughts be your enemy, if so; rebuke the negative enemy of your mind, speak to gazoo, the devil and say "Get thee behind me satan and flee!"

     Now when you do that, stay present with your peace, but don't stay long without filling your cup back up with new wine, new positive affirming thoughts.  You may have to take deliberate action steps of positive reinforcement, if so; do it!

All is Fair in Love and War.

     When it comes to our minds, our thoughts, our lives, we must do what we must do, like brother Malcom X said; by any means necessary.

     I have certain things readily available that I go to when I'm confronted with dream killers.  I have a dvd that is strictly for laughing, my pick me up, my go to, my joy and laughter serum.  I don't care how many times I've seen it, I laugh all over again, and again.  Don't let anyone or anything steal your joy!

     And if they come for you, be ready, but before you do anything you must first:


"According as circumstances are favourable, one should modify one's plans."
~Sun Tzu

"In war, then, let your great object be victory, not lengthy campaigns!"
~Sun Tzu

"O divine art of subtlety and secrecy, 
through you we learn to be invisible, 
through you inaudible!"
~Sun Tzu

All My Love,

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