Saturday, February 7, 2015

"Are We There Yet?"

February 7, 2015

Are We There Yet?  That's how I feel right now......  I know that patience is a virtue and I'm not on a diet, instead I've adopted wellness as a way of life for me now, however; I'm human and there's a part of me that wants me to wake up and have the goals I've set for myself to be manifested right now, today. That's all I'm sayin!!  (Smile)

The answer: 

I'm not there yet, as the saying goes:

"I'm not where I used to be, 
I'm not where I'm going to be, 
I am where I'm loving me being me!"
~Lolita Jackson

Know Thy Self

"A person who knows not
And knows not that they know not
Is foolish ~ disregard them

A person who knows not
And knows that they know not
Is simple ~ teach them

A person who knows not
And believes that they know
Is dangerous ~ avoid them

A person who knows
And knows not that they know
Is asleep ~ awaken them

A person who knows
And knows that they know
Is wise ~ follow them

All of these persons reside in you
Know Thy Self
And to Maat Be True!"

~Ancient African Proverb

Love Always,

La La Lolita Lola Love

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