Wednesday, February 25, 2015

"I Am A Conqueror!"

February 24, 2015

Conquer:  1. to be victorious; make conquests.  2. to gain a victory over; surmount; master; overcome.  3. to overcome by force; subdue; vanquish.

I've talked about the "Art of War" and how we must have strategies to overcome and be conquerors in life because if we don't prepare ourselves to meet life on life's terms then we'll get the living sh*t kicked out of us.

We must put our armor on daily.  The book of "Ephesians" gives a good analogy on how we can prepare ourselves for living our lives by putting on the "Whole Armour Of God." 

We know that we don't wrestle man, (flesh and blood).

Our fight, our struggle is spiritual, it starts inside of us with our minds.  We're reminded that we must stand strong to overcome.  And, when we've done all we can do to stand, we must continue to STAND with our loins of truth, and breastplate of righteousness.

Our feet, must walk in peace.  When we walk in Peace it suffices as our Gospel, our Core, our Truth.  

FAITH is our shield, our action.  When matters of life come up against us we're covered, we have a defense against the fiery darts.

There's a reason why SALVATION is covered with a helmet. The helmet represents protection for our minds where the battlefield lies.

We must use our "Weapons of Warfare" our SWORD of the Spirit is the Word of God!!

We know the "Art of War" and we're prepared to quench all the fiery darts thrown at us everyday,

If it's words that wound, finances of fire or the enemy of exhaustion.

Be Ready! 

We're More Than A Conqueror!  

We must Open our Mouths And Speak Boldly What The Word Of God Says!  

Daily affirm and DECLARE  

"We ARE Conquerors!"  

"I Am A Conqueror!"

Loving You More and More Today and Eternally,

La La Lolita Lovely Lady of Leisure, Leo Love!

"A man is what he thinks about all day long....."
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

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