Saturday, February 14, 2015

"Born To Love!"

February 13, 2015

Love:  1. a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person.  2. a feeling of warm personal attachment.  3. a personification of sexual affection; affectionate concern for the well being of others.

I was at the store today watching the flowers and balloons flying off of the shelves.  Today is the day before Valentine's Day and you can feel love in the air.  It's a beautiful thing, I love it.  As I was standing in line I started thinking about Valentine's Day, cupid, the hoopla and passion behind the day that we set aside once a year to express our undying love for our significant others.

Yet, I couldn't help but to also think about the other 364 days in the year and what we do with those days?

I couldn't help but to think what would happen if we were to put the same energy and passion that I was witnessed tonight into the other 364 days of the year?   I  don't think we would have time for anything else but Love.  Just think if we were to commit that burning desire to ourselves what would we look like?  What would our bodies look like?  Would our goals and New Year's Resolutions be satisfied?  What if we took time for ourselves and decided that we would buy ourselves cards that told us how wonderful we are and how proud we are that we have taken the time to commit to loving our bodies, minds, souls and spirits?  What if our affirmations we spoke daily to ourselves consisted of empowering words of wisdom admonishing us to be the best we can be?

I'll tell you what would happen if we would put the oxygen mask on ourselves 365 days a year, showing our bodies, our temples how important they are to us as we take time to put the right foods, nourishment and supplements in us while feeding and exercising our minds and brains with powerful activities to keep us sharp and focused.

We would have the strength and energy to show the passionate, warm and tender love of our hearts and souls to not only our significant others but also to our neighbors, co-workers, friends and family!

Happy Valentines Day,

Love Always,

La La Lolita Love

"Where you find no love, put love and you will find love."
~John Of The Cross

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