Tuesday, February 3, 2015

"Keeping It Simple.....!"

February 3, 2015
                                                                   Keeping It Simple

"Where are all the people
who enjoyed simple things
who used to go out in the sunlight
and sing songs as they gardened
stopping and talking with all the neighbors?
Where are all the people
who enjoyed life
who used to consider the home
the most important place to be
and who used to consider the family
the most important people to be with?
Times have changed most of these people
and urged them to seek the complicated
Yet it is only the very basic simple things in life
that can make people truly
~Susan Polis Schutz

"Think about some of the good things in life,
like sunshine, holidays, feeling loved, special friendships,
and laughter.  Think about rainbows, butterflies, and beautiful sunsets
and feel loved, cared about, and accepted.  Remember that in
life, although there is some bad stuff, good things really
do happen too."
~Maria Mullins

"Men are anxious to improve their circumstances, but are
unwilling to improve themselves; they therefore remain bound.
The man who does not shrink from self-crucifixion can never fail
to accomplish the object upon which his heart is set. This is true of
earthly as of heavenly things. Even the man whose object is to
acquire wealth must be prepared to make great personal sacrifices
before he can accomplish his object; and how much more so he
who would realize a strong and well-poised life."
~James Allen

Love Alwayzz,

La La Lolita

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